Upgrade to Pro

version of this script is happening for me, now. My house is converting to a single family home, and for the first time in my adult life I find myself not only unsure where I should live next, I’m attempting to do so without the presence of friends or friendly future housemate referrals to make those choices with. It’s an odd, displaced moment, feeling a real excitement for stepping over this threshold, just me and myself — recognizing that I didn’t exactly choose this situation, but I am participating in it.
version of this script is happening for me, now. My house is converting to a single family home, and for the first time in my adult life I find myself not only unsure where I should live next, I’m attempting to do so without the presence of friends or friendly future housemate referrals to make those choices with. It’s an odd, displaced moment, feeling a real excitement for stepping over this threshold, just me and myself — recognizing that I didn’t exactly choose this situation, but I am participating in it.