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All of this is a way to say: I’m moving tomorrow. I will be moving out of my house that I have shared with three, then four, then two people, and two dogs. I’m glad for it, and I’m sad, and I don’t really want to go.

Life deals out countless forms of heartbreak, many of them ones we don’t socially have space or a name for. Here’s one: It doesn’t require a romantic split to feel heartbroken over leaving a living arrangement you love.
All of this is a way to say: I’m moving tomorrow. I will be moving out of my house that I have shared with three, then four, then two people, and two dogs. I’m glad for it, and I’m sad, and I don’t really want to go. Life deals out countless forms of heartbreak, many of them ones we don’t socially have space or a name for. Here’s one: It doesn’t require a romantic split to feel heartbroken over leaving a living arrangement you love.