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How to validate your business idea before investing time and money

1. Talk to people
The benefits of doing this are countless:

- Building a list of people who are potentially interested in buying from you

- Gathering feedback to build a better solution that actually solves a problem

- Making it easier to sell to future customers

2. Leverage your network and connections

3. Send a survey
If you’re targeting a broader B2C audience, sending a survey to as many people as possible might be the way to go.

4. Online communities
Many times people who fall into the same category gather in online communities. That’s a perfect place to hang out, listen and participate.

Please don’t join just to spam non-stop.

5. Use Google
Beyond its search tool, others such as Google Trends and Adwords Keyword Planner can help you identify what people are searching for and if the number is growing. And how much it’d cost you to capture those users with ads.

6. Smaller is better
Your idea is big. Super big. It requires a lot of resources to get started. And because you don’t have them, that’s stopping you from starting.

Here’s when the concept of an MVP (minimum viable product) comes in handy. The idea is that people will actually get value, even if you’re not offering your ideal-unlimited-resources product or service.
How to validate your business idea before investing time and money 1. Talk to people The benefits of doing this are countless: - Building a list of people who are potentially interested in buying from you - Gathering feedback to build a better solution that actually solves a problem - Making it easier to sell to future customers 2. Leverage your network and connections 3. Send a survey If you’re targeting a broader B2C audience, sending a survey to as many people as possible might be the way to go. 4. Online communities Many times people who fall into the same category gather in online communities. That’s a perfect place to hang out, listen and participate. Please don’t join just to spam non-stop. 5. Use Google Beyond its search tool, others such as Google Trends and Adwords Keyword Planner can help you identify what people are searching for and if the number is growing. And how much it’d cost you to capture those users with ads. 6. Smaller is better Your idea is big. Super big. It requires a lot of resources to get started. And because you don’t have them, that’s stopping you from starting. Here’s when the concept of an MVP (minimum viable product) comes in handy. The idea is that people will actually get value, even if you’re not offering your ideal-unlimited-resources product or service.