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If you travel abroad, especially to Europe, the U.S., and Canada, one big culture shock you get is the number of bicycles on the road. This is something we must cultivate in Nigeria. I am very hopeful that the entrance of Dangote petrol into the market will positively impact the price of fuel. However, getting a bicycle is an option to overcome the current fuel price situation. And walking anywhere less than seven miles is not just a money saver, it is good for your health. Whatever the situation, Nigeria will survive and thrive.

May God bless Nigeria!
If you travel abroad, especially to Europe, the U.S., and Canada, one big culture shock you get is the number of bicycles on the road. This is something we must cultivate in Nigeria. I am very hopeful that the entrance of Dangote petrol into the market will positively impact the price of fuel. However, getting a bicycle is an option to overcome the current fuel price situation. And walking anywhere less than seven miles is not just a money saver, it is good for your health. Whatever the situation, Nigeria will survive and thrive. May God bless Nigeria!