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Train your concentration

I say no matter how hard you try, it won't be successful unless you can concentrate on it properly!

Solve your problems quickly and easily by turning your attention away from other things, and the following method will help you:

Take an ordinary watch and watch the second hand move for 5 minutes.
Think ONLY about that hand and nothing else. If you get distracted, start over.

Developing this quality will begin to pay off very quickly - you'll stop making mistakes and waste less time solving problems

Train your concentration I say no matter how hard you try, it won't be successful unless you can concentrate on it properly! Solve your problems quickly and easily by turning your attention away from other things, and the following method will help you: ✅Take an ordinary watch and watch the second hand move for 5 minutes. Think ONLY about that hand and nothing else. If you get distracted, start over. Developing this quality will begin to pay off very quickly - you'll stop making mistakes and waste less time solving problems🏆 @Text_tips