Upgrade to Pro

I wrote this essay several weeks ago. In the days since, I’ve had friends show up to help re-situate my life here, in all kinds of ways.

Neighbors moved my stuff, toasted with bubbles, helped watch out for big deliveries while I was on the road…

Friends texted when they were in the area (“dropping by in 20!”), ignoring my protestations that my place was covered in boxes, and we sat on the bare floor and ate Cheetos and talked religion & cultural upbringing, watched sketch comedies…
EPILOGUE I wrote this essay several weeks ago. In the days since, I’ve had friends show up to help re-situate my life here, in all kinds of ways. Neighbors moved my stuff, toasted with bubbles, helped watch out for big deliveries while I was on the road… Friends texted when they were in the area (“dropping by in 20!”), ignoring my protestations that my place was covered in boxes, and we sat on the bare floor and ate Cheetos and talked religion & cultural upbringing, watched sketch comedies…