Upgrade to Pro

we’ve developed a one-year design process to open up professional expertise for more laypeople, to invite spaces to shared lived experience, and to create venues to combine these forms of knowledge into practical, evidence-based, peer-created resources for healing.

In combining science, design, community-building, and storytelling, we have a simple aim: We want to tell more, and better, stories about healing; we want to build practical, evidence-based, accessible resources from those stories; and we want to do this together!
we’ve developed a one-year design process to open up professional expertise for more laypeople, to invite spaces to shared lived experience, and to create venues to combine these forms of knowledge into practical, evidence-based, peer-created resources for healing. In combining science, design, community-building, and storytelling, we have a simple aim: We want to tell more, and better, stories about healing; we want to build practical, evidence-based, accessible resources from those stories; and we want to do this together!