Upgrade to Pro

he Kalliopeiagrant supportedour work in three phases. The initial phase involved a large
number of extended interviews withthought leaders from a broad cross-section of disciplines
about worldviews and social healing. The second phase then involved site visits to Israel,
Palestine, Rwanda and Northern Ireland and extensive dialogue with leading practitioners of
social healing processes in those countries. The third phase involved bringing key people from
our site visits and other professionals in such arenas as constellation therapy, circle dialogue
process, racial healing and integral theory and practice together for a three day immersion
dialogue in the United States. In addition all our conversationshave been taped and fully
he Kalliopeiagrant supportedour work in three phases. The initial phase involved a large number of extended interviews withthought leaders from a broad cross-section of disciplines about worldviews and social healing. The second phase then involved site visits to Israel, Palestine, Rwanda and Northern Ireland and extensive dialogue with leading practitioners of social healing processes in those countries. The third phase involved bringing key people from our site visits and other professionals in such arenas as constellation therapy, circle dialogue process, racial healing and integral theory and practice together for a three day immersion dialogue in the United States. In addition all our conversationshave been taped and fully transcribed.