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Challenges and difficulties are much easier… if we have faith.
Never think that the pain of others does not affect us.
Thinking limitlessly always pays off – but without a timeline.
When happiness lives within us, it is permanent: when it is
derived from something outside of ourselves, it is temporary.
There is never a good reason to be unjust.
Feeding the feeling of victimhood leads to disempowerment.
Needing to be right always brings conflict.
Being vigilant for what is right takes great might.
Money is meant to be the root of all good.
Flattery, to be truly received and felt, must be sincere.
Miracles do happen to those who are willing to believe in them.
Holiness can always be encountered, even in the darkest of places.
The wounds of the past are not meant for the future.
Believing we can is the first step to knowing we can.
Doubt destroys inspiration and activation.
We are always worth our constant effort.
Challenges and difficulties are much easier… if we have faith. Never think that the pain of others does not affect us. Thinking limitlessly always pays off – but without a timeline. When happiness lives within us, it is permanent: when it is derived from something outside of ourselves, it is temporary. There is never a good reason to be unjust. Feeding the feeling of victimhood leads to disempowerment. Needing to be right always brings conflict. Being vigilant for what is right takes great might. Money is meant to be the root of all good. Flattery, to be truly received and felt, must be sincere. Miracles do happen to those who are willing to believe in them. Holiness can always be encountered, even in the darkest of places. The wounds of the past are not meant for the future. Believing we can is the first step to knowing we can. Doubt destroys inspiration and activation. We are always worth our constant effort.