For the bed or sleeping space, pick the color sheets that help you to
feel safe.
7.Hang pictures and wall hangings that soothe your mind.
8.Window coverings are important and do not need to be expensive.
9.Battery operated candles.
10. Cleanliness is crucial for a safe zone.
11. Try to have healthy food and drinks.
12. No drinking or drugs…one can never feel truly safe if indulging in
13. Do not clutter with electronics…if your computer is in your
sleeping space, cover it before going to bed.
14. Remove anything and everything that is connected to a hurtful or
bad memory.
15. If travelling, it helps to make your hotel room a blessed temple as
well. Put together a travel kit for that purpose.
Make a note on what you would like to incorporate into your home or
office from the suggestions above.
For the bed or sleeping space, pick the color sheets that help you to feel safe. 7.Hang pictures and wall hangings that soothe your mind. 8.Window coverings are important and do not need to be expensive. 9.Battery operated candles. 10. Cleanliness is crucial for a safe zone. 11. Try to have healthy food and drinks. 12. No drinking or drugs…one can never feel truly safe if indulging in either. 13. Do not clutter with electronics…if your computer is in your sleeping space, cover it before going to bed. 14. Remove anything and everything that is connected to a hurtful or bad memory. 15. If travelling, it helps to make your hotel room a blessed temple as well. Put together a travel kit for that purpose. Make a note on what you would like to incorporate into your home or office from the suggestions above.
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