Upgrade to Pro

Exercise 7
Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong.
____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment.
____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment.
____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment.
____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment.
____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment.
____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment.
____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment.
____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment.
____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment.
____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment.
____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment.
____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment.
____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment.
____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment.
____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment.
____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment.
Tips to Empowerment
____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life is
Exercise 7 Score yourself on each tip. 1 being weak and 5 being strong. ____Being of service, even in the smallest way is empowerment. ____Being kind, even to a stranger is empowerment. ____Being generous, even when we don’t have much is empowerment. ____Being truthful, even when it is scary is empowerment. ____Being committed, even when it is difficult is empowerment. ____Being forgiving, even if it takes time is empowerment. ____Being compassionate, even to those who have hurt us is empowerment. ____Being aware, even of the tiniest details is empowerment. ____Being conscious, even of things that bring us despair is empowerment. ____Being loving, even to those who don’t deserve it is empowerment. ____Being respectful, even to all living things is empowerment. ____Being understanding, even to those we don’t comprehend is empowerment. ____Being contemplative, even in the midst of freneticism is empowerment. ____Being different, even when others just want to be accepted is empowerment. ____Being rational, even when others are irrational is empowerment. ____Being joyful, even when others will be jealous is empowerment. Tips to Empowerment ____Being grateful, even for the fact that we have life is