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This year, CES2024 attracted more than 135,000 industry professionals – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020 and larger than the 2023 event. The 4,300 exhibitors included: Lenovo, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony Electronics, L’Oréal Groupe, Best Buy, Elevance Health, HD Hyundai, Intel, Nasdaq, Qualcomm, Siemens, Walmart, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Magna, Mercedes, 3M, Caterpillar, Goodyear, John Deere, Kubota, Midbar, Nasdaq, Panasonic, Siemens and SK Group. CES also highlighted the inclusion of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill, in their official report on CES2024, who was invited by HS4A to address the high-level audience at the CES keynote event “Leaders in Tech” and speak at a Great Minds session.
This year, CES2024 attracted more than 135,000 industry professionals – marking the largest audited global tech event since early 2020 and larger than the 2023 event. The 4,300 exhibitors included: Lenovo, LG Electronics, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony Electronics, L’Oréal Groupe, Best Buy, Elevance Health, HD Hyundai, Intel, Nasdaq, Qualcomm, Siemens, Walmart, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Magna, Mercedes, 3M, Caterpillar, Goodyear, John Deere, Kubota, Midbar, Nasdaq, Panasonic, Siemens and SK Group. CES also highlighted the inclusion of UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology, Amandeep Singh Gill, in their official report on CES2024, who was invited by HS4A to address the high-level audience at the CES keynote event “Leaders in Tech” and speak at a Great Minds session.