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The DAY some WOMEN will UNDERSTAND that we MEN needs MARRIAGE more than WOMEN, maybe then, they will stop being DESPERATE to ANSWER MRS or accept anything that has a PENIS.

WOMEN will go to WORK, come back and COOK for the HOUSE, it's very rare to see MEN COOKING for their WIVES after WORK. You will see a PREGNANT WOMAN waking up EARLY just to PREPARE the KIDS for SCHOOL while the MAN SLEEPS and SNORE his LIFE OUT.

WOMEN will WORK and still bring 50 PERCENT to the HOUSE, sometimes sef the WOMAN even BRINGS the WHOLE 100 PERCENT and the man will still expect SËX every NIGHT, even DOGGY STYLE and LIZARD STYLE, when he comes HOME not considering that she is TIRED.

After MARRIAGE some HUSBANDS still ENJOY their LIVES and FREEDOM more than the WOMEN. He can CLOSE from WORK and 'hang out with his friends' instead of going HOME and nobody will QUERY him, but the WOMEN can never try such, she goes HOME STRAIGHT to TAKE CARE of CHILDREN, does the COOKING and CLEANING like a WASHING MACHINE.

In fact MEN ENJOYS the MARRIAGE PRIVILEGE more than the WOMEN. But you will see 5 WOMEN FIGHTING for one IRRESPONSIBLE MAN just to answer MRS NONESENSE.

DEAR MEN let us learn to value and appreciate our women. MARRIAGE is a partnership and it takes couples working together as TEAMMATES to make it WORK....
The DAY some WOMEN will UNDERSTAND that we MEN needs MARRIAGE more than WOMEN, maybe then, they will stop being DESPERATE to ANSWER MRS or accept anything that has a PENIS. WOMEN will go to WORK, come back and COOK for the HOUSE, it's very rare to see MEN COOKING for their WIVES after WORK. You will see a PREGNANT WOMAN waking up EARLY just to PREPARE the KIDS for SCHOOL while the MAN SLEEPS and SNORE his LIFE OUT. WOMEN will WORK and still bring 50 PERCENT to the HOUSE, sometimes sef the WOMAN even BRINGS the WHOLE 100 PERCENT and the man will still expect SËX every NIGHT, even DOGGY STYLE and LIZARD STYLE, when he comes HOME not considering that she is TIRED. After MARRIAGE some HUSBANDS still ENJOY their LIVES and FREEDOM more than the WOMEN. He can CLOSE from WORK and 'hang out with his friends' instead of going HOME and nobody will QUERY him, but the WOMEN can never try such, she goes HOME STRAIGHT to TAKE CARE of CHILDREN, does the COOKING and CLEANING like a WASHING MACHINE. In fact MEN ENJOYS the MARRIAGE PRIVILEGE more than the WOMEN. But you will see 5 WOMEN FIGHTING for one IRRESPONSIBLE MAN just to answer MRS NONESENSE. 🤣🤣🤣 DEAR MEN let us learn to value and appreciate our women. MARRIAGE is a partnership and it takes couples working together as TEAMMATES to make it WORK....