Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has been formally charged by French authorities and is not allowed to leave France while the investigation is ongoing ¹. The charges against him include running a company that has been complicit in storing and distributing child sexual abuse material, facilitating drug trafficking and fraud, and failing to register Telegram's cryptographic features ¹. He was released from custody after paying a €5 million bail and must check in at a police station twice a week ¹.
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has been formally charged by French authorities and is not allowed to leave France while the investigation is ongoing ¹. The charges against him include running a company that has been complicit in storing and distributing child sexual abuse material, facilitating drug trafficking and fraud, and failing to register Telegram's cryptographic features ¹. He was released from custody after paying a €5 million bail and must check in at a police station twice a week ¹.
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