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  • The hardest debates to win are often not against the people that are most knowledgeable, but against the people with the least knowledge on the subject.
    The hardest debates to win are often not against the people that are most knowledgeable, but against the people with the least knowledge on the subject.
  • If someone randomly brings up something in a conversation, pay good attention to them because they probably had it on their mind for a while.
    If someone randomly brings up something in a conversation, pay good attention to them because they probably had it on their mind for a while.
  • Identify your ideal audience by imagining the one person your content would have the most impact on. Failing to define this key individual means missing out on connecting with those who matter most to your business and message.
    Identify your ideal audience by imagining the one person your content would have the most impact on. Failing to define this key individual means missing out on connecting with those who matter most to your business and message.
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