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  • #Funfacts
    The world's largest snowflake was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick!
    #Funfacts The world's largest snowflake was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick!
  • #Funfacts
    Butterflies taste with their feet.
    #Funfacts Butterflies taste with their feet.
  • #funfacts
    The human nose can detect over 1 trillion different scents.
    #funfacts The human nose can detect over 1 trillion different scents.
  • #Funfacts
    You can lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs (due to their unique skeletal system).
    #Funfacts You can lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs (due to their unique skeletal system).
  • #Funfacts
    The world's largest living organism is a fungus (covering over 2,200 acres in Oregon).
    #Funfacts The world's largest living organism is a fungus (covering over 2,200 acres in Oregon).
  • #funfacts
    There's a species of jellyfish that's immortal (the Turritopsis dohrnii).
    #funfacts There's a species of jellyfish that's immortal (the Turritopsis dohrnii).
  • #Funfacts
    The Great Wall of China has a "secret" ingredient: sticky rice.
    #Funfacts The Great Wall of China has a "secret" ingredient: sticky rice.
  • #funfacts
    The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.
    #funfacts The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.
  • #Funfacts
    A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance."
    #Funfacts A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance."
  • #funfacts
    The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896, and lasted only 38 minutes.
    #funfacts The shortest war in history was between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896, and lasted only 38 minutes.
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