1. Put your kids in
    schools you can afford
    because expensive
    schools don't
    guarantee good
    results. Just ensure
    they attend a good
    affordable school

    2. Rent apartments you
    can pay for
    conveniently. Don’t live
    in a house you struggle
    to pay yearly.

    3. Let’s plan our lives and
    live within our means.
    Save more and spend

    4. Some women buy food
    for their children every
    morning before going
    to school or even for
    the whole family, do
    you know it’s cheaper
    to cook at home?

    5. Some people don’t
    earn much, but have
    DSTV at home, go for
    GOTV and upgrade
    when your income
    upgrades. It’s still the
    same CNN anyway!

    6. Eat healthy meals and
    protect your family
    from mosquitoes to
    avoid going to the
    hospital always.

    7. Take advantage of
    food and fruits in
    season, its cheaper
    and you can be
    creative to create
    amazing meals.

    8.Don’t copy your
    neighbor’s lifestyle,
    she earns well and her
    husband is a ‘big

    9. Don’t follow trends,
    wear clean well-
    ironed clothes and
    keep your hair neat.
    You would still look

    10. Keep your circle
    small, keep only
    friends that have

    11. Above all things, have
    the fear of God, have
    integrity, don’t be lazy
    and be prayerful.

    12. Planning is the key, if
    you fail to plan, you
    PS:Ifplan to FAIL.

    13. Don't do more than
    your budget this
    Time, there is no
    award given to best
    family that wore an
    expensive cloth for
    the year

    14.Don't be in
    competition with
    The purpose of shoes
    and clothes are to
    make us smart and
    AVOIDING UNNECESSARY PRESSURE 1. Put your kids in schools you can afford because expensive schools don't guarantee good results. Just ensure they attend a good affordable school 2. Rent apartments you can pay for conveniently. Don’t live in a house you struggle to pay yearly. 3. Let’s plan our lives and live within our means. Save more and spend less. 4. Some women buy food for their children every morning before going to school or even for the whole family, do you know it’s cheaper to cook at home? 5. Some people don’t earn much, but have DSTV at home, go for GOTV and upgrade when your income upgrades. It’s still the same CNN anyway! 6. Eat healthy meals and protect your family from mosquitoes to avoid going to the hospital always. 7. Take advantage of food and fruits in season, its cheaper and you can be creative to create amazing meals. 8.Don’t copy your neighbor’s lifestyle, she earns well and her husband is a ‘big man’ 9. Don’t follow trends, wear clean well- ironed clothes and keep your hair neat. You would still look good. 10. Keep your circle small, keep only friends that have senses! 11. Above all things, have the fear of God, have integrity, don’t be lazy and be prayerful. 12. Planning is the key, if you fail to plan, you PS:Ifplan to FAIL. 13. Don't do more than your budget this Time, there is no award given to best family that wore an expensive cloth for the year 14.Don't be in competition with anyone... The purpose of shoes and clothes are to make us smart and good.
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    Short Moral Story.

    One day, the tortoise had no food to eat. He thought and though, then came up with a brilliant idea. So, he went to the stingy goat that had food in abundance.

    "Hey goat, can I ask you a simple question?" the tortoise said.

    "Of course you can ask" the goat bleated.

    The tortoise then said.
    "Can you tell me what the fastest animal in the world is?"

    The goat responded.
    "On land or in water?"

    "On land"

    "Of course it's the cheetah" the goat said.

    "Perfect! You're so intelligent. Listen, if you give me food, I shall make you the fastest creature on land"

    The goat looked puzzled.
    "How is that even possible? Are you God?"

    "I'm not God but I have supernatural powers. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I was the one that casted a spell on the vulture and he became ugly"

    "Wow!" the goat exclaimed. "So you mean you could make me faster than the cheetah?"

    "Definitely" the tortoise croaked.

    The goat became excited. He invited the tortoise over for dinner and served him enough food and wine. Having ate and drank his fill, the tortoise was about to leave when the goat stopped him.

    "Now it's your turn. Transform me into the fastest animal in the world. I can't wait"

    But the tortoise roared with laughter. He laughed and laughed, then said.

    "You're such a big fool. I think you need a brain more than the speed which you seek. I am notoriously slow, didn't you wonder why I haven't yet turned myself into a fast animal since I've got the powers? Ugh! Anyways, thanks for the food"

    The goat became very angry. He grabbed the tortoise by the neck and roughly pushed him up against the wall. Then with a metal rod, he hit him severally on the back until his shell cracked all over.

    "Serves you right!" the goat wailed. "You could have just asked me for food, instead of playing tricks on me. Moron!"

    People are quite fast at manipulating and using us for their own benefits. We should not be like the credulous goat that believed everything he was told. Pay keen attention to what people are saying or asking you to do, so you don't end up getting scammed or tricked.

    Thanks for reading
    THE HUNGRY TORTOISE Short Moral Story. One day, the tortoise had no food to eat. He thought and though, then came up with a brilliant idea. So, he went to the stingy goat that had food in abundance. "Hey goat, can I ask you a simple question?" the tortoise said. "Of course you can ask" the goat bleated. The tortoise then said. "Can you tell me what the fastest animal in the world is?" The goat responded. "On land or in water?" "On land" "Of course it's the cheetah" the goat said. "Perfect! You're so intelligent. Listen, if you give me food, I shall make you the fastest creature on land" The goat looked puzzled. "How is that even possible? Are you God?" "I'm not God but I have supernatural powers. You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I was the one that casted a spell on the vulture and he became ugly" "Wow!" the goat exclaimed. "So you mean you could make me faster than the cheetah?" "Definitely" the tortoise croaked. The goat became excited. He invited the tortoise over for dinner and served him enough food and wine. Having ate and drank his fill, the tortoise was about to leave when the goat stopped him. "Now it's your turn. Transform me into the fastest animal in the world. I can't wait" But the tortoise roared with laughter. He laughed and laughed, then said. "You're such a big fool. I think you need a brain more than the speed which you seek. I am notoriously slow, didn't you wonder why I haven't yet turned myself into a fast animal since I've got the powers? Ugh! Anyways, thanks for the food" The goat became very angry. He grabbed the tortoise by the neck and roughly pushed him up against the wall. Then with a metal rod, he hit him severally on the back until his shell cracked all over. "Serves you right!" the goat wailed. "You could have just asked me for food, instead of playing tricks on me. Moron!" People are quite fast at manipulating and using us for their own benefits. We should not be like the credulous goat that believed everything he was told. Pay keen attention to what people are saying or asking you to do, so you don't end up getting scammed or tricked. Thanks for reading
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  • Have you ever thought about this?

    In 100 years like in 2124we will all be buried with our relatives and friends.

    Strangers will live in our homes we fought so hard to build, and they will own everything we have today. All our possessions will be unknown and unborn, including the car we spent a fortune on, and will probably be scrap, preferably in the hands of an unknown collector.

    Our descendants will hardly or hardly know who we were, nor will they remember us. How many of us know our grandfather's father?

    After we die, we will be remembered for a few more years, then we are just a portrait on someone's bookshelf, and a few years later our history, photos and deeds disappear in history's oblivion. We won't even be memories.

    If we paused one day to analyse these questions, perhaps we would understand how ignorant and weak the dream to achieve it all was.

    If we could only think about this, surely our approaches, our thoughts would change, we would be different people.

    Always having more, no time for what's really valuable in this life. I'd change all this to live and enjoy the walks I've never taken, these hugs I didn't give, these kisses for our children and our loved ones, these jokes we didn't have time for. Those would certainly be the most beautiful moments to remember, after all they would fill our lives with joy.

    And some of us waste it day after day with greed, selfishness and intolerance.

    Every minute of life is priceless and will never be repeated, so take time to enjoy, be grateful for, and celebrate your existence.
    Have you ever thought about this? In 100 years like in 2124we will all be buried with our relatives and friends. Strangers will live in our homes we fought so hard to build, and they will own everything we have today. All our possessions will be unknown and unborn, including the car we spent a fortune on, and will probably be scrap, preferably in the hands of an unknown collector. Our descendants will hardly or hardly know who we were, nor will they remember us. How many of us know our grandfather's father? After we die, we will be remembered for a few more years, then we are just a portrait on someone's bookshelf, and a few years later our history, photos and deeds disappear in history's oblivion. We won't even be memories. If we paused one day to analyse these questions, perhaps we would understand how ignorant and weak the dream to achieve it all was. If we could only think about this, surely our approaches, our thoughts would change, we would be different people. Always having more, no time for what's really valuable in this life. I'd change all this to live and enjoy the walks I've never taken, these hugs I didn't give, these kisses for our children and our loved ones, these jokes we didn't have time for. Those would certainly be the most beautiful moments to remember, after all they would fill our lives with joy. And some of us waste it day after day with greed, selfishness and intolerance. Every minute of life is priceless and will never be repeated, so take time to enjoy, be grateful for, and celebrate your existence.
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  • I was on my way home from work one hot afternoon when I saw a crowd of people, wondering what was going on I decided to go and look my self. When I got closer I saw two men fighting, one of them was an old man people's grand father, while the other was just a young man who seems to have a gentle personality.
    According to those who knew what caused the fight, the old man own a shop, where the young one came to patronise him, after buying what he wanted he transferred the money to the old man who owns the shop, but the alert only sound the money was not added to his wallet. He stopped the young man from taking the goods he bought, the old man wanted to confirm if the alert was fake or not. So he called his neighbor to explain everything to him, his neighbor told the customer to bring his phone so that he can confirm something.
    Just then the young man became furious and started arguing with them, the argument then led to a big fight, it was clear to everyone that the young man wanted to scam the shop owner by sending him fake alerts.
    The old man had relatives around, one of his Nephews saw them fighting and called the police, before we knew it one middle aged man gave the young man a blow it was so strong that he couldn't survive it, the young man fell down and was fainting, all eyes were on the middle aged man, he just stood there speechless, and luckily for him a clinic was close by, they rushed the young man to the clinic and everyone started blaming the middle aged man for hitting the young man like that. The whole thing was like an African magic to me though I pitied the old man who was involved in the fight.
    Police finally arrived and was investigating what happened, a lady just rushed out to explain everything to the police, they gave the young man some time because he was unconscious and took the middle aged man to station for further investigation.
    Follow up for next episode
    I was on my way home from work one hot afternoon when I saw a crowd of people, wondering what was going on I decided to go and look my self. When I got closer I saw two men fighting, one of them was an old man people's grand father, while the other was just a young man who seems to have a gentle personality. According to those who knew what caused the fight, the old man own a shop, where the young one came to patronise him, after buying what he wanted he transferred the money to the old man who owns the shop, but the alert only sound the money was not added to his wallet. He stopped the young man from taking the goods he bought, the old man wanted to confirm if the alert was fake or not. So he called his neighbor to explain everything to him, his neighbor told the customer to bring his phone so that he can confirm something. Just then the young man became furious and started arguing with them, the argument then led to a big fight, it was clear to everyone that the young man wanted to scam the shop owner by sending him fake alerts. The old man had relatives around, one of his Nephews saw them fighting and called the police, before we knew it one middle aged man gave the young man a blow it was so strong that he couldn't survive it, the young man fell down and was fainting, all eyes were on the middle aged man, he just stood there speechless, and luckily for him a clinic was close by, they rushed the young man to the clinic and everyone started blaming the middle aged man for hitting the young man like that. The whole thing was like an African magic to me though I pitied the old man who was involved in the fight. Police finally arrived and was investigating what happened, a lady just rushed out to explain everything to the police, they gave the young man some time because he was unconscious and took the middle aged man to station for further investigation. Follow up for next episode
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  • You must be 18+ to view this content


    Juliana! Juliana! where are you!" Adaolisa called after her daughter.
    "Mama am here ." Juliana replied her mother , as she washed the foam that had covered her hands to her elbow , she ran to the front of the bungalow. She was behind the house , washing her father's clothes.
    "Have you washed the Onubu leaves that I want to to use to make soup this evening?" She asked her daughter.
    "No mama , papa asked me to help him wash two of his trousers and shirts ." Juliana answered her mum , keeping distance between her and her mother .
    "Come here Juliana! Come here!" She said as she chased after her daughter and grabbed her ears . "So I sent you, you left my work to go and do your stupid father's work ?" She asked as she slammed her daughter with the palm of her hands between the ridges of her back , she grabbed her back and began to cry .
    "Ada why are you beating her ?" Tobias her husband asked , the commotion outside made him to come out . She stared at him from head to toe , then let out a demeaning laughter .
    "You have mouth to talk? you this useless idiot man! do you have any work ?" She asked, disgusted by her husband." When last did you bring one kobo to feed this family ?" she jeered .
    "Today you and Your daughter are not going to eat in this house! food you cannot provide , and still you have the guts to call her and send her to wash your miserable clothes, when I sent her . Tobias α»‹ bα»₯ a very mad! nonsense!" she shoved him out of her way .
    Tobias was a very rich business man with many branches of spare part shops across the country, one by one things began to fail him until he became a pauper that depended on his abusive wife . Adaolisa's mother heard the noise , and came outside with her walking stick.
    "Mama can you see what Adaolisa is doing ?" He asked with a crestfallen face . Mrs Eunice Adaolisa mother , Was old and walked with the aid of a cane .
    "What did Adaolisa do ?" she asked her son in-law .
    "Mama she asked Juliana to help her wash Bitter leave , Chikodi wasn't doing anything, I told Juliana to help me wash two trousers and two shirts . Ada came out and started beating her ." He said with a sad look over his face .
    "What did you expect? you want to be respected Tobias ?" she asked laughing . "You don't even have a job, you don't have a house , you followed my daughter to her father's house , she feeds you, why would you want her to respect you ? why did you try to disrespect her ?" Eunice asked her son in-law and the man was speechless.
    "Mama it's nor fair oh!! There are four other children she could send , but no everytime it's Juliana do this , Juliana do that , what's Chikodi doing in her room ?" she asked .
    "You're a very stupid man Tobias! if you don't get out of my face I will beat you with my walking stick idiot!" She yelled at her son in-law, Tobias cowed away .
    He kept on cursing the day he married Adaolisa, his parents warned him not to marry Eunice's daughter , but he was blinded by her beauty . He couldn't imagine himself who had three cars and two houses in Aba and his Village , now squatting with his wife's family for ten years.

    The crowd of visitors and sympathisers had stopped trooping to the Ibe's compound . Ezinne was feeling empty , she had a kind of strong and tenacious connection with her son, she wondered what had happened .
    Ezinne was on call when Emeka's Nigerian number showed on the screen of her android phone .
    "Hey baby girl how far ?" Emeka teased his mother .

    To be continued ___________

    πŸ‘ΏBATTLE OF WITCHES πŸ‘Ώ CHAPTER THREE Juliana! Juliana! where are you!" Adaolisa called after her daughter. "Mama am here ." Juliana replied her mother , as she washed the foam that had covered her hands to her elbow , she ran to the front of the bungalow. She was behind the house , washing her father's clothes. "Have you washed the Onubu leaves that I want to to use to make soup this evening?" She asked her daughter. "No mama , papa asked me to help him wash two of his trousers and shirts ." Juliana answered her mum , keeping distance between her and her mother . "Come here Juliana! Come here!" She said as she chased after her daughter and grabbed her ears . "So I sent you, you left my work to go and do your stupid father's work ?" She asked as she slammed her daughter with the palm of her hands between the ridges of her back , she grabbed her back and began to cry . "Ada why are you beating her ?" Tobias her husband asked , the commotion outside made him to come out . She stared at him from head to toe , then let out a demeaning laughter . "You have mouth to talk? you this useless idiot man! do you have any work ?" She asked, disgusted by her husband." When last did you bring one kobo to feed this family ?" she jeered . "Today you and Your daughter are not going to eat in this house! food you cannot provide , and still you have the guts to call her and send her to wash your miserable clothes, when I sent her . Tobias α»‹ bα»₯ a very mad! nonsense!" she shoved him out of her way . Tobias was a very rich business man with many branches of spare part shops across the country, one by one things began to fail him until he became a pauper that depended on his abusive wife . Adaolisa's mother heard the noise , and came outside with her walking stick. "Mama can you see what Adaolisa is doing ?" He asked with a crestfallen face . Mrs Eunice Adaolisa mother , Was old and walked with the aid of a cane . "What did Adaolisa do ?" she asked her son in-law . "Mama she asked Juliana to help her wash Bitter leave , Chikodi wasn't doing anything, I told Juliana to help me wash two trousers and two shirts . Ada came out and started beating her ." He said with a sad look over his face . "What did you expect? you want to be respected Tobias ?" she asked laughing . "You don't even have a job, you don't have a house , you followed my daughter to her father's house , she feeds you, why would you want her to respect you ? why did you try to disrespect her ?" Eunice asked her son in-law and the man was speechless. "Mama it's nor fair oh!! There are four other children she could send , but no everytime it's Juliana do this , Juliana do that , what's Chikodi doing in her room ?" she asked . "You're a very stupid man Tobias! if you don't get out of my face I will beat you with my walking stick idiot!" She yelled at her son in-law, Tobias cowed away . He kept on cursing the day he married Adaolisa, his parents warned him not to marry Eunice's daughter , but he was blinded by her beauty . He couldn't imagine himself who had three cars and two houses in Aba and his Village , now squatting with his wife's family for ten years. The crowd of visitors and sympathisers had stopped trooping to the Ibe's compound . Ezinne was feeling empty , she had a kind of strong and tenacious connection with her son, she wondered what had happened . Ezinne was on call when Emeka's Nigerian number showed on the screen of her android phone . "Hey baby girl how far ?" Emeka teased his mother . To be continued ___________
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    A Short Moral Story.

    One day, a hunter caught a big bird in a trap. He went home and lighted a fire to roast the bird for dinner. He grabbed the bird and began to pluck off her feathers, about to throw her into the fire.

    The bird cried and pleaded for her life, but to absolutely no avail, as the hunter was craving badly for roasted bird in pepper sauce.

    When the bird saw that there was no hope left for her, she told the hunter,
    "Wait... If you roast me now, my meat will turn green and will taste just like battery acid. So wait until next week!"

    The hunter hesitated and asked,
    "What do you mean, I should wait until next week? What difference will it make by then?"

    The bird chirped,
    "Well, you see, if you roast me next week, my meat will taste exactly like beef seasoned with spices, sugar and salt! Then, you will enjoy it very much!"

    For a few moments, the hunter thought about what the bird had said. He finally consented, for he did not want to have a dinner of meat with a taste of battery acid. He suddenly quenched the fire and shoved the bird into a barrel.

    One week later, the hunter lighted another fire to roast the bird for dinner. However, as he picked up the bird, she said,
    "Wait... If you roast me now, I will still taste like battery acid. So put me back into the barrel and wait one more week!"

    This situation angered the hunter deeply, but he had no choice but to quench the fire and throw the bird back into the barrel.

    The following week, he came again to roast the bird after starting a fire. As he grabbed the bird, she told him,
    "Wait... don't roast me now, my meat is almost normal, I can feel it already! It's just a matter of one more week! Please, put me back into barrel!"

    The hunter couldn't control his temper when the bird said that. He groaned fiercely and warned,
    "This is the last time I will spare your life! I won't hesitate to kill you when I come here next week!"

    On the fourth week, the hunter lighted yet a
    THE HUNTER AND THE BIRD A Short Moral Story. One day, a hunter caught a big bird in a trap. He went home and lighted a fire to roast the bird for dinner. He grabbed the bird and began to pluck off her feathers, about to throw her into the fire. The bird cried and pleaded for her life, but to absolutely no avail, as the hunter was craving badly for roasted bird in pepper sauce. When the bird saw that there was no hope left for her, she told the hunter, "Wait... If you roast me now, my meat will turn green and will taste just like battery acid. So wait until next week!" The hunter hesitated and asked, "What do you mean, I should wait until next week? What difference will it make by then?" The bird chirped, "Well, you see, if you roast me next week, my meat will taste exactly like beef seasoned with spices, sugar and salt! Then, you will enjoy it very much!" For a few moments, the hunter thought about what the bird had said. He finally consented, for he did not want to have a dinner of meat with a taste of battery acid. He suddenly quenched the fire and shoved the bird into a barrel. One week later, the hunter lighted another fire to roast the bird for dinner. However, as he picked up the bird, she said, "Wait... If you roast me now, I will still taste like battery acid. So put me back into the barrel and wait one more week!" This situation angered the hunter deeply, but he had no choice but to quench the fire and throw the bird back into the barrel. The following week, he came again to roast the bird after starting a fire. As he grabbed the bird, she told him, "Wait... don't roast me now, my meat is almost normal, I can feel it already! It's just a matter of one more week! Please, put me back into barrel!" The hunter couldn't control his temper when the bird said that. He groaned fiercely and warned, "This is the last time I will spare your life! I won't hesitate to kill you when I come here next week!" On the fourth week, the hunter lighted yet a
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    Episode 3

    After the meeting with my parents, I went with him to his rented apartment. He leaved in a two bedroom flat.

    the house was beautifully decorated with elegant looks. I can't describe it because it was too beautiful.

    More beautiful than the old one he did before.

    I went to the kitchen to do something.

    I purposed in my heart that if he tries anything I will cut off the relationship. I intentionally broke a glass cup unknown to me it was even his favorite glass cup.

    He ran to the kitchen to check on me but saw his glass cup on the ground broken into pieces.

    This is my favorite glass cup how did you break it. why oh! Do he said looking so angry.

    It was a mistake am sorry so I said putting on a pretentious look. Okay don't worry I hope you are not hurt so he said.

    He took me out and nurtured me like a baby, he treated me so good that I almost crossed my limit with him but I controlled myself.

    The next day we both went out on a date which was really nice we went to a big and fancy restaurant because I wanted it to be so, not because I like high class thing but I wanted to test him.

    I demanded a lot. He paid all the bills, he never complained or murmured.

    He went to ease himself so I ordered for a beer called hero I poured all the drink into a bottle that was before me and I hid it.

    I saw him coming close so I pretended I drank a lot of beer.

    He was shocked but never altered a word. I told him to pay to 4 bottles of beer which I never ordered. I even went on to embarrassed him by vomiting on him.

    I wanted to just test him but he passed the manly test. He took me to his house and laid me down on his bed.

    I went on and tested him sexually pretending I was drunk while I wasn't. I romanced him to an extent his sexual urge arose, but he didn't fall, rather he left me and slept in the parlour.

    After that day I tried him emotionally by breaking up with him over a minor incident that happened between us.

    I saw a girl picture in his phone so I went on to ask who the girl was. But he didn't give the answer I wanted, so I broke up with him. He came to my father's house a day after and begged me.

    He explained that it was his colleague's wife.

    I forgave him and we reconciled. After testing him enough I was convinced beyond major that he is a good and nice man.
    Tee Jan
    I invited him one certain Sunday evening just for him to meet my elder sister which I thought was not even a good idea.

    He met with my elder sister but my elder sister disliked Davidson and told me the same thing my dad said to me as if they planned it. She even added, “all that glitters are not gold”.

    But i told her, she was just jealous of me. Though I was harsh but I still apologize to her and she forgave me.

    Just for my happiness they all gave there consent for I and Davidson to proceed with the married even Davidson side did the same.

    After 3months of dating we finally agreed to get married.

    There was an incident that left me speechless, this happened before my traditional wedding. Desmond wife, her name was Grace called my cell phone.

    I picked up the phone, who is this so I asked. Am Desmond wife she replied.

    She told me to meet up with her, she gave me the address of the place though it was past 7pm but the way she sounded I instantly got up and went to her.

    That night I was in my father's house not in Davidson house. I left and took a taxi to the place. it was a restaurant, she even stood there waiting for me.

    I walked down to were she was standing. we both went inside and sat down. she told me everything about herself and what she was passing through in her marriage.

    I felt pity for her that she was passing through that in her marriage so I advice her on what to do. But she said i should not get married to Davidson that he is worst than a devil .

    She narrated all the girls Davidson dated and their ending but I know Davidson has changed because Davidson already told me all that.

    I told her what I saw in Davidson but she told me that that was how they all pretend to take them in, after that, they will show their true colour. But i told her not everybody are the same because Davidson is not that type of man.

    He can't even hurt a fly, he is just too good.

    She stood up and told me welcome to hell. She walked out on me. She left me speechless their, it was as if I was walking into hell taking into the Chambers of death knownly.

    Should I go on or should I cut off from these marriage. should I still go ahead because maybe I might change him if that spirit comes again. what should I do so I thought to myself.

    MY W!CKED HUSBAND Episode 3 After the meeting with my parents, I went with him to his rented apartment. He leaved in a two bedroom flat. the house was beautifully decorated with elegant looks. I can't describe it because it was too beautiful. More beautiful than the old one he did before. I went to the kitchen to do something. I purposed in my heart that if he tries anything I will cut off the relationship. I intentionally broke a glass cup unknown to me it was even his favorite glass cup. He ran to the kitchen to check on me but saw his glass cup on the ground broken into pieces. This is my favorite glass cup how did you break it. why oh! Do he said looking so angry. It was a mistake am sorry so I said putting on a pretentious look. Okay don't worry I hope you are not hurt so he said. He took me out and nurtured me like a baby, he treated me so good that I almost crossed my limit with him but I controlled myself. The next day we both went out on a date which was really nice we went to a big and fancy restaurant because I wanted it to be so, not because I like high class thing but I wanted to test him. I demanded a lot. He paid all the bills, he never complained or murmured. He went to ease himself so I ordered for a beer called hero I poured all the drink into a bottle that was before me and I hid it. I saw him coming close so I pretended I drank a lot of beer. He was shocked but never altered a word. I told him to pay to 4 bottles of beer which I never ordered. I even went on to embarrassed him by vomiting on him. I wanted to just test him but he passed the manly test. He took me to his house and laid me down on his bed. I went on and tested him sexually pretending I was drunk while I wasn't. I romanced him to an extent his sexual urge arose, but he didn't fall, rather he left me and slept in the parlour. After that day I tried him emotionally by breaking up with him over a minor incident that happened between us. I saw a girl picture in his phone so I went on to ask who the girl was. But he didn't give the answer I wanted, so I broke up with him. He came to my father's house a day after and begged me. He explained that it was his colleague's wife. I forgave him and we reconciled. After testing him enough I was convinced beyond major that he is a good and nice man. * Tee Jan I invited him one certain Sunday evening just for him to meet my elder sister which I thought was not even a good idea. He met with my elder sister but my elder sister disliked Davidson and told me the same thing my dad said to me as if they planned it. She even added, “all that glitters are not gold”. But i told her, she was just jealous of me. Though I was harsh but I still apologize to her and she forgave me. Just for my happiness they all gave there consent for I and Davidson to proceed with the married even Davidson side did the same. After 3months of dating we finally agreed to get married. There was an incident that left me speechless, this happened before my traditional wedding. Desmond wife, her name was Grace called my cell phone. I picked up the phone, who is this so I asked. Am Desmond wife she replied. She told me to meet up with her, she gave me the address of the place though it was past 7pm but the way she sounded I instantly got up and went to her. That night I was in my father's house not in Davidson house. I left and took a taxi to the place. it was a restaurant, she even stood there waiting for me. I walked down to were she was standing. we both went inside and sat down. she told me everything about herself and what she was passing through in her marriage. I felt pity for her that she was passing through that in her marriage so I advice her on what to do. But she said i should not get married to Davidson that he is worst than a devil . She narrated all the girls Davidson dated and their ending but I know Davidson has changed because Davidson already told me all that. I told her what I saw in Davidson but she told me that that was how they all pretend to take them in, after that, they will show their true colour. But i told her not everybody are the same because Davidson is not that type of man. He can't even hurt a fly, he is just too good. She stood up and told me welcome to hell. She walked out on me. She left me speechless their, it was as if I was walking into hell taking into the Chambers of death knownly. Should I go on or should I cut off from these marriage. should I still go ahead because maybe I might change him if that spirit comes again. what should I do so I thought to myself.
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    ~~~~ Mystery ~~~~ ~~~ Supernatural ~~~

    Shadowed Past


    πŸ§‘πŸ½β€πŸ¦± Alone


    _____Don’t blink
    or she’ll find you_____


    When young Jacob loses both his parents, he finds himself alone, burdened with grief and confusion. During their burial, he spots a mysterious girl watching him from afar, her hair shadowing one side of her face, her eyes fixated solely on him. Disturbed by her haunting presence, Jacob hopes it’s just his imagination. However, when he moves in with his Uncle Ben, the girl appears again, this time in his new bedroom—and seems to know him better than he knows himself.

    At his new school, he encounters yet another version of this girl: bright and friendly, introducing herself as his old friend. But the shadowy figure reappears whenever he’s alone, warning him and revealing hidden truths that no one else can hear. As Jacob grapples with reality and illusion, he begins to unravel a dark secret woven into his past, his identity, and the eerie connection to the two girls only he can see.

    To be continued.....

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    Good morning,happy Sunday
    πŸŒ‘ HAUNTING REFLECTION πŸŒ‘ ~~~~🏠 Mystery ~~~~🌌 ~~~ Supernatural ~~~πŸ‘€βœ¨ πŸ’€ Shadowed Past πŸ’€ πŸ‘€ Meets πŸ’­ πŸ§‘πŸ½‍🦱 Alone πŸ’” ||||||||πŸ‘οΈ|||||||||πŸ‘οΈ||||||||πŸ‘οΈ||||||||πŸ‘οΈ||||||||πŸ‘οΈ||||||| πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘πŸŒ‘ πŸ•―οΈ _____Don’t blinkπŸ–€ or she’ll find you_____ πŸ•―οΈ Prologue When young Jacob loses both his parents, he finds himself alone, burdened with grief and confusion. During their burial, he spots a mysterious girl watching him from afar, her hair shadowing one side of her face, her eyes fixated solely on him. Disturbed by her haunting presence, Jacob hopes it’s just his imagination. However, when he moves in with his Uncle Ben, the girl appears again, this time in his new bedroom—and seems to know him better than he knows himself. At his new school, he encounters yet another version of this girl: bright and friendly, introducing herself as his old friend. But the shadowy figure reappears whenever he’s alone, warning him and revealing hidden truths that no one else can hear. As Jacob grapples with reality and illusion, he begins to unravel a dark secret woven into his past, his identity, and the eerie connection to the two girls only he can see. To be continued..... Like comment and share Good morning,happy Sunday ❀️🀭
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