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  • Ever notice how that food you cook when you’re broke, with only the ingredients available at home, always tastes good?
    Ever notice how that food you cook when you’re broke, with only the ingredients available at home, always tastes good?
  • 1m naira in nigeria is no longer a lot of money.

    don't argue this, we are kinda cooked.
    1m naira in nigeria is no longer a lot of money. don't argue this, we are kinda cooked.
  • And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
    And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
  • And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
    And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.
  • And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.
    And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.
  • And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:
    And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:
  • And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.
    And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.
  • And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
    And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
  • Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;
    Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;