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  • “Some of us walk around with a necklace of hope, an armour of sanity, but at the end of the day, they always come off. We reveal our naked, vulnerable, real selves.”

    “Some of us walk around with a necklace of hope, an armour of sanity, but at the end of the day, they always come off. We reveal our naked, vulnerable, real selves.”
  • “Hope. It's like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It's a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it's the only thing in the world keeping me afloat.”

    “Hope. It's like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It's a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it's the only thing in the world keeping me afloat.”
  • “Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”

    “Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.”
  • “History says, Don’t hope On this side of the grave, But then, once in a lifetime The longed-for tidal wave Of justice can rise up, And hope and history rhyme”
    “History says, Don’t hope On this side of the grave, But then, once in a lifetime The longed-for tidal wave Of justice can rise up, And hope and history rhyme”
  • “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
    “When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
  • “If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”
    “If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”
  • “Then you must teach my daughter this same lesson. How to lose your innocence but not your hope. How to laugh forever.”
    “Then you must teach my daughter this same lesson. How to lose your innocence but not your hope. How to laugh forever.”
  • Not getting a message from your partner the whole day is also a message.... just saying... I come in peace.
    Not getting a message from your partner the whole day is also a message.... just saying... I come in peace.
  • On God someone have removed subsidy from gala...
    On God someone have removed subsidy from gala...