Upgrade to Pro

  • Step into the unknown

    There are times in life when you want to give up everything. Quit your job, move, or end a toxic relationship. At such moments it can be especially scary, because you are used to your old life. New for us in such situations is something scary and unknown, like a leap of faith. Whatever you do, just remember that you will never regret it! This is exactly what you need now.

    Be bolder. Always!

    Step into the unknown There are times in life when you want to give up everything. Quit your job, move, or end a toxic relationship. At such moments it can be especially scary, because you are used to your old life. New for us in such situations is something scary and unknown, like a leap of faith. Whatever you do, just remember that you will never regret it! This is exactly what you need now. Be bolder. Always!
  • Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
    Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
  • A little progress each day adds up to big results.
    A little progress each day adds up to big results.
  • For every minute spent in organizing an hour is earned. - Benjamin Franklin
    For every minute spent in organizing an hour is earned. - Benjamin Franklin
  • Once you see results, it becomes an addiction.
    Once you see results, it becomes an addiction.
  • If not now, then when?
    If not now, then when?
  • The next time you fall, remember you can always get back up and keep going.
    The next time you fall, remember you can always get back up and keep going.
  • You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt
    You must do the thing you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life.
    Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life.
  • You didn't come this far to only come this far.
    You didn't come this far to only come this far.