Upgrade to Pro

  • Compare yourself only to yourself

    When we compare ourselves to another person who, in our opinion, has succeeded more, we feel like we have lost. It hurts us, deprives us of self-confidence and strength. And it doesn’t allow you to accept yourself as a value. But not noticing the success of other people is not an option. You just need to be more calm about it, evaluate the conditions under which and how it was achieved. Perhaps adopt other people's experience - if you know that it will be useful to you.

    Compare yourself only to yourself When we compare ourselves to another person who, in our opinion, has succeeded more, we feel like we have lost. It hurts us, deprives us of self-confidence and strength. And it doesn’t allow you to accept yourself as a value. But not noticing the success of other people is not an option. You just need to be more calm about it, evaluate the conditions under which and how it was achieved. Perhaps adopt other people's experience - if you know that it will be useful to you.
  • Enjoy the moment

    Try to flow along the river of time whenever you feel like it. See how the clouds float, how the tree crowns are reflected in the water, listen to the sounds of the new morning. Consciously enjoy the moment, knowing that there are things to do somewhere ahead. And sometimes allow yourself to do nothing, merging with the silence and trying to feel the world around you. This is extremely important for filling with strength and energy.

    Enjoy the moment Try to flow along the river of time whenever you feel like it. See how the clouds float, how the tree crowns are reflected in the water, listen to the sounds of the new morning. Consciously enjoy the moment, knowing that there are things to do somewhere ahead. And sometimes allow yourself to do nothing, merging with the silence and trying to feel the world around you. This is extremely important for filling with strength and energy.
  • Maybe it's worth thinking about...

    You may not think about it, but we don’t know how to live...yes, yes, we don’t know how. We don’t know how to truly love, we don’t know how to enjoy life, we are always missing something.
    But time passes, life passes, and we are chasing after... and what are we chasing? After all, we have each other, we are close.
    In fact, there are all the conditions for happiness, you just need not to complicate things, but to love and let yourself be loved!

    This is such a simple formula for life!

    Maybe it's worth thinking about... You may not think about it, but we don’t know how to live...yes, yes, we don’t know how. We don’t know how to truly love, we don’t know how to enjoy life, we are always missing something. But time passes, life passes, and we are chasing after... and what are we chasing? After all, we have each other, we are close. In fact, there are all the conditions for happiness, you just need not to complicate things, but to love and let yourself be loved! This is such a simple formula for life!  
  • Find your favorite thing

    Most of us have favorite hobbies. They are often the source of the fun. It doesn't matter what it is - cooking, collecting, drawing or traveling. The main thing is that your hobby brings joyful revitalization into your life every day or at least every week and allows you to escape from everyday problems.

    Find your favorite thing Most of us have favorite hobbies. They are often the source of the fun. It doesn't matter what it is - cooking, collecting, drawing or traveling. The main thing is that your hobby brings joyful revitalization into your life every day or at least every week and allows you to escape from everyday problems.
  • Breathe deeper

    Deep belly breathing helps relieve tension in an anxious moment. “Try this exercise: Inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, then exhale through your mouth for four seconds.”

    By forcing your body to control the rhythm of your breathing, you can stop the onset of panic and maintain composure.

    Breathe deeper Deep belly breathing helps relieve tension in an anxious moment. “Try this exercise: Inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for four seconds, then exhale through your mouth for four seconds.” By forcing your body to control the rhythm of your breathing, you can stop the onset of panic and maintain composure.
  • Believe in yourself

    If you doubt, consciously or subconsciously, that you will be able to achieve your goal, your brain will do everything to prevent you. After all, why waste energy if nothing happens anyway?
    But even a grain of faith is enough to trick the brain and start moving forward. Believe in yourself and you will not fall into the trap of self-sabotage.

    Believe in yourself If you doubt, consciously or subconsciously, that you will be able to achieve your goal, your brain will do everything to prevent you. After all, why waste energy if nothing happens anyway? But even a grain of faith is enough to trick the brain and start moving forward. Believe in yourself and you will not fall into the trap of self-sabotage.
  • Clear your head

    Sometimes your head is filled with worries, problems in the family and at work, and the stress of everyday life. A long run or walk in the park will do wonders to clear your head. Exercise allows you to hit the reset button. And this is what is absolutely necessary.

    Clear your head Sometimes your head is filled with worries, problems in the family and at work, and the stress of everyday life. A long run or walk in the park will do wonders to clear your head. Exercise allows you to hit the reset button. And this is what is absolutely necessary.