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  • Wherever you stand, be the soul of the place

    The best thing you can give your enemy is forgiveness; to the opponent - tolerance; to a friend - your heart; a good example for a child; father - respect; mothers - behavior that will make her proud of you; self - respect; to all people - mercy.

    Wherever you stand, be the soul of the place The best thing you can give your enemy is forgiveness; to the opponent - tolerance; to a friend - your heart; a good example for a child; father - respect; mothers - behavior that will make her proud of you; self - respect; to all people - mercy.
  • Love the life you live. Live a life you love

    Sometimes you want to shout, “Stop life, I’m tired,” and the Angel whispers, “Live, it’s not your stop!”

    If you don't pay attention
    difficulties, they will be offended and leave...

    Love the life you live. Live a life you love Sometimes you want to shout, “Stop life, I’m tired,” and the Angel whispers, “Live, it’s not your stop!” If you don't pay attention difficulties, they will be offended and leave...
  • Let your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.

    If you have fear inside, life will scare you. If there is aggression inside, life will “attack” you. If you have the desire to fight inside, you will get rivals. If you feel guilty inside, life will find a way to “punish” you. If you are offended inside, life will give you reasons to be offended even more.

    Let your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. If you have fear inside, life will scare you. If there is aggression inside, life will “attack” you. If you have the desire to fight inside, you will get rivals. If you feel guilty inside, life will find a way to “punish” you. If you are offended inside, life will give you reasons to be offended even more.
  • It's not the weight that breaks you, it's the way you carry it.

    If you have fear inside, life will scare you. If there is aggression inside, life will “attack” you. If you have the desire to fight inside, you will get rivals. If you feel guilty inside, life will find a way to “punish” you. If you are offended inside, life will give you reasons to be offended even more.

    It's not the weight that breaks you, it's the way you carry it. If you have fear inside, life will scare you. If there is aggression inside, life will “attack” you. If you have the desire to fight inside, you will get rivals. If you feel guilty inside, life will find a way to “punish” you. If you are offended inside, life will give you reasons to be offended even more.
  • Learn to recognize a false alarm

    You worry that you didn't turn off the iron and your house will burn down, but that never happens. Did your heart race? This does not mean that you will have a heart attack: this is the body's response to excitement.

    Many of the things we interpret as reasons to panic are background noise. Look at them like a fire truck driving by at another address. You notice her and follow her with your eyes.

    Infinity ∞ Thoughts
    Learn to recognize a false alarm You worry that you didn't turn off the iron and your house will burn down, but that never happens. Did your heart race? This does not mean that you will have a heart attack: this is the body's response to excitement. Many of the things we interpret as reasons to panic are background noise. Look at them like a fire truck driving by at another address. You notice her and follow her with your eyes. Infinity ∞ Thoughts
  • Think less, act more

    Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time.

    The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.

    Think less, act more Most of us think too much—even those who are not generally inclined to philosophize. About what is happening around right now. About what awaits us in the future. Sometimes this habit plays a cruel joke on us, forcing us to mark time. The way out is to act, take at least small steps, “turn on” not only your head, but your body too. At the same time, it is important to remember that stable, measured actions are better than fuss and attempts to burden yourself with a maximum of things. And habits are healthier for the psyche than 24/7 spontaneity. The turtle defeats the rabbit - so it was and so, it seems, will always be.
  • Never stop critically analyzing your life.

    No matter how old we are, life is always willing to throw a couple of problems at us. No matter what life situation you are in, no matter who you work, every day there is more and more responsibility. In modern life, people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, trying to combine their personal and professional lives.

    Until we get rid of stress, we will not be able to be good employees, mothers, or wives. Take time for yourself, because going to a beauty salon or walking through your favorite stores, drinking coffee with a friend means finding new strength for productive work. Allow yourself to arrange your life in such a way that you get joy and pleasure from it. After all, when you find balance and find peace, you can share them with your loved ones and charge them with your energy.

    Never stop critically analyzing your life. No matter how old we are, life is always willing to throw a couple of problems at us. No matter what life situation you are in, no matter who you work, every day there is more and more responsibility. In modern life, people are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere, trying to combine their personal and professional lives. Until we get rid of stress, we will not be able to be good employees, mothers, or wives. Take time for yourself, because going to a beauty salon or walking through your favorite stores, drinking coffee with a friend means finding new strength for productive work. Allow yourself to arrange your life in such a way that you get joy and pleasure from it. After all, when you find balance and find peace, you can share them with your loved ones and charge them with your energy.
  • One goat cannot carry another goat's tail.
    One goat cannot carry another goat's tail.
  • When you don't wait for it tomorrow still comes.
    When you don't wait for it tomorrow still comes.
  • Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.
    Silence is an attribute of the dead; he who is alive speaks.