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  • Everything comes in due time

    Indeed, you can make every effort, but if the time has not yet come, then nothing will work. It is important not to rush things and not exhaust yourself in attempts to speed up the results. Over time, everything will fall into place and everything will be as it should be.

    Everything comes in due time Indeed, you can make every effort, but if the time has not yet come, then nothing will work. It is important not to rush things and not exhaust yourself in attempts to speed up the results. Over time, everything will fall into place and everything will be as it should be.
  • Smooth roads never make good drivers..

    Smooth sea never make good sailors..

    Clear skies never make good pilots..

    Problem free life never makes a strong & good person..

    Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life..

    Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️
    Smooth roads never make good drivers.. Smooth sea never make good sailors.. Clear skies never make good pilots.. Problem free life never makes a strong & good person.. Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.. Infinity ∞ Thoughts✅️
  • "OVERTHINKERS", read this:

    1. That story ain't real.

    None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present.

    2. You don't know

    Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about a thing that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know".

    3. What if, what if

    Overthinking is a longgggg chain of what ifs. What if that happens, what if it doesn't work, what if i fail, what if. Don't complicate it. Take a breath, you'll be fine.

    4. Zoooom out

    In the bigger frame of things, what you're obsessing about doesn't even matter. Try, fail, fall, learn and get back up again. That's life, live it.

    5. "Zen" it out

    Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. Meditate. It helps.

    6. Do one thing well

    Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it.

    7. Catch them 'triggers'

    Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it.

    8. Talk.

    Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out.

    9. Enjoy the ride

    Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok.

    10. Be Disciplined

    To heal yourself, fix your old toxic patterns and achieve what you choose to focus on.

    Infinity Thoughts
    "OVERTHINKERS", read this: 1. That story ain't real. None of it. That fear, insecurity, and that imaginary story you're obsessing about, it's all in your head. Every time you find yourself in that story, dragggggg yourself to the present. 2. You don't know Accept it. You're going crazy jumping to conclusions about a thing that isn't even there. Sometimes it's okay to just accept and tell yourself "i don't know". 3. What if, what if Overthinking is a longgggg chain of what ifs. What if that happens, what if it doesn't work, what if i fail, what if. Don't complicate it. Take a breath, you'll be fine. 4. Zoooom out In the bigger frame of things, what you're obsessing about doesn't even matter. Try, fail, fall, learn and get back up again. That's life, live it. 5. "Zen" it out Thoughts ain't leaving you? Sit at a quiet place and take 10 long deep breaths. Meditate. It helps. 6. Do one thing well Make a to-do list. Write down two or three things that you need to do. Do them one by one. You don't have to do everything. Just do one thing well. Life is long. You'll make it. 7. Catch them 'triggers' Overthinking is a chain reaction. Like dominos falling. But! there is always that one thought which triggers it all. Find it and fix it. 8. Talk. Sometimes sharing what you're feeling with friends, family, or even on social media can calm you down. Bottled feelings ain't good for you. Spurt 'em out. 9. Enjoy the ride Life is full of ups and downs. Obsessing about every little thing won't fix it. When it's sunshine, have fun. When it's dark and stormy, let it pass. Life is change, keep moving and you'll be ok. 10. Be Disciplined To heal yourself, fix your old toxic patterns and achieve what you choose to focus on. Infinity Thoughts
  • “If your own attitude towards yourself does not correspond to the way you would like to cause in other people, you will never be able to change the order of things. Your actions are your thoughts with power, and if you do not treat yourself with love and respect, you are sending a message that you are not important, worthy, or deserving of good things. This signal will go on and you will receive many new manifestations of bad attitude towards you. People are just the result. Your thoughts are the reason. Start treating yourself with love and respect - send such a signal, tune in to a new frequency. Then the law of attraction will transform the Universe, and your life will be filled with people who love and respect you."

    “If your own attitude towards yourself does not correspond to the way you would like to cause in other people, you will never be able to change the order of things. Your actions are your thoughts with power, and if you do not treat yourself with love and respect, you are sending a message that you are not important, worthy, or deserving of good things. This signal will go on and you will receive many new manifestations of bad attitude towards you. People are just the result. Your thoughts are the reason. Start treating yourself with love and respect - send such a signal, tune in to a new frequency. Then the law of attraction will transform the Universe, and your life will be filled with people who love and respect you."
  • Everything in life is changeable

    And sometimes we have to face difficulties and trials. The main thing is to remember that everything passes, and any difficulties will end sooner or later. If it’s hard for you now, don’t despair, because the dark streak is always replaced by a light one. Don’t forget to also enjoy those moments when everything is fine, because this is also a temporary phenomenon. Appreciate every moment of your life and don't let difficulties break you.

    Everything in life is changeable And sometimes we have to face difficulties and trials. The main thing is to remember that everything passes, and any difficulties will end sooner or later. If it’s hard for you now, don’t despair, because the dark streak is always replaced by a light one. Don’t forget to also enjoy those moments when everything is fine, because this is also a temporary phenomenon. Appreciate every moment of your life and don't let difficulties break you.
  • Reduce stress

    If stress is your habitual state, it has a bad effect on your health. Therefore, use any proven methods to reduce the negative impact of stress: coloring books, meditation, water treatments, massage, aromatherapy and much more from your personal arsenal of anti-stressors.
    Reduce stress If stress is your habitual state, it has a bad effect on your health. Therefore, use any proven methods to reduce the negative impact of stress: coloring books, meditation, water treatments, massage, aromatherapy and much more from your personal arsenal of anti-stressors.
  • When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

    Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.

    When you focus on the good, the good gets better. Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, our possibilities become limitless.