Upgrade to Pro

  • Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all.
    Short words are best and the old words when short are best of all.
  • The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.
    The best thing about a boolean is even if you are wrong, you are only off by a bit.
  • You think you are not pretty - There is always someone uglier.
    You think you are not pretty - There is always someone uglier.
  • You want to go to the mall - Someone is looking for anything they can wear just to stay warm.
    You want to go to the mall - Someone is looking for anything they can wear just to stay warm.
  • Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.
    Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.
  • It's not about saying the right things, it's about doing the right things.
    It's not about saying the right things, it's about doing the right things.
  • If you had five minutes left to live; what would you do? The first thing that just came to your mind, go do it. s
    If you had five minutes left to live; what would you do? The first thing that just came to your mind, go do it. s