Upgrade to Pro

  • Ease of Starting a Business
    The World Bank ranks Enugu as 3rd
    best state in terms of the Procedure,
    Time and Cost of starting a busine
    Ease of Starting a Business The World Bank ranks Enugu as 3rd best state in terms of the Procedure, Time and Cost of starting a busine
  • Almost everytime
    Almost everytime 😩😩
  • 0.64
    HDI at 0.64 places the state wel
    Human Development Index
    above the national average
    0.64 HDI at 0.64 places the state wel Human Development Index above the national average
  • State Competitiveness
    National Competitiveness Council of
    Nigeria recognizes Enugu as Nigeria’s
    5th most competitive state based
    on Human Capital, infrastructure,
    Economy and Institution.
    State Competitiveness National Competitiveness Council of Nigeria recognizes Enugu as Nigeria’s 5th most competitive state based on Human Capital, infrastructure, Economy and Institution.
  • 9th
    World Bank identifies the state as 9th
    best in terms of the Procedure, Time
    Registering a Property
    and Cost of registering a property.
    9th World Bank identifies the state as 9th best in terms of the Procedure, Time Registering a Property and Cost of registering a property.