Upgrade to Pro

  • gricuture and agro-allied ndustrialization boost productivity and value addition
    across key crop and lvestock value chains to ensure food securty and strengthen
    export potential
    Energy and Mineral Resources with priority focus on at scae renewable energy
    generation, energy efficiency programmes and new urban and rura electrification
    planning plots.
    gricuture and agro-allied ndustrialization boost productivity and value addition across key crop and lvestock value chains to ensure food securty and strengthen export potential Energy and Mineral Resources with priority focus on at scae renewable energy generation, energy efficiency programmes and new urban and rura electrification planning plots.
  • Grow value adding sectors of economy on the back of global trends and Enugu
    State’s competitive postion incl. in natura gas, metalic and non-metallc minerals
    (ead, iron ore, imestone, kaolin, graphte, smectte etc.,), agriculture and agro-allied
    industriaizaton, ICT, eco-tourism and hospitality.
    Grow value adding sectors of economy on the back of global trends and Enugu State’s competitive postion incl. in natura gas, metalic and non-metallc minerals (ead, iron ore, imestone, kaolin, graphte, smectte etc.,), agriculture and agro-allied industriaizaton, ICT, eco-tourism and hospitality.
  • mprove business environment: streamline incentives regulation, ensure efficiency
    of land administraton, ensure compliance-focused tax servces, improve regulatory
    framework for pubc private partnerships, strengthen investment promotion and
    facilitation capabilities, and deveop effective labour market and at-scale reskilling
    mprove business environment: streamline incentives regulation, ensure efficiency of land administraton, ensure compliance-focused tax servces, improve regulatory framework for pubc private partnerships, strengthen investment promotion and facilitation capabilities, and deveop effective labour market and at-scale reskilling programs
  • and hospitality.
    Transport and Logistics de-bottleneck and integration with Northern Nigeria and
    rest of Africa for interconnectivity and supply chains resilience, incl. in ar, raiway,
    waterways and roads (build and re-build roads and bridges, expand logistcs
    and hospitality. Transport and Logistics de-bottleneck and integration with Northern Nigeria and rest of Africa for interconnectivity and supply chains resilience, incl. in ar, raiway, waterways and roads (build and re-build roads and bridges, expand logistcs corridors)
  • cure macro-financial stability: ensure fiscal policy condition that ensures stabiity of
    the budget
    Inclusive and Transparent Governance adopt whole-of-government transparency,
    traceabilty and accountabiity principles, and participatory monitoring and evaluation
    in judiciary, pubic service, security and community leadership
    Infrastructure Modernizaton: stable and climate-resilient infrastructure deveopment
    as a critical enabler for industrialsation and sustainable economc growt
    cure macro-financial stability: ensure fiscal policy condition that ensures stabiity of the budget Inclusive and Transparent Governance adopt whole-of-government transparency, traceabilty and accountabiity principles, and participatory monitoring and evaluation in judiciary, pubic service, security and community leadership Infrastructure Modernizaton: stable and climate-resilient infrastructure deveopment as a critical enabler for industrialsation and sustainable economc growt