Upgrade to Pro

  • Never be afraid of change.
    You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better°
    Never be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better°                                #morning
  • To learn to fly, we need to let go of everything that prevents us from rising up.

    These can be difficult memories, unresolved problems, fear of failure, self-doubt and dependence on the approval of others. By letting them go, we become light and free, ready for new opportunities and discoveries.

    To learn to fly, we need to let go of everything that prevents us from rising up. These can be difficult memories, unresolved problems, fear of failure, self-doubt and dependence on the approval of others. By letting them go, we become light and free, ready for new opportunities and discoveries.
  • ~Life isn't about what we want..it's about discovering things and yourself. It's a mysterious game where no one's a loser or winner. Only we know we did our best..only we're aware of what we lost and gained..what happened in past and what we are going through in present. During some chances we nailed it while during others we even failed. We do give our best even by fighting with our own selves. Maybe our deeds are being noted. Painful at times but life is a beautiful mysterious lie.

    ~Life isn't about what we want..it's about discovering things and yourself. It's a mysterious game where no one's a loser or winner. Only we know we did our best..only we're aware of what we lost and gained..what happened in past and what we are going through in present. During some chances we nailed it while during others we even failed. We do give our best even by fighting with our own selves. Maybe our deeds are being noted. Painful at times but life is a beautiful mysterious lie.
  • What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed

    1. Unplug from social media and, if possible, switch off your phone.

    2. Try to drop all non-essential commitments.

    3. Make sure you get out of the house. Deliberately change your environment each day.

    4. Make a list of the things you CAN do, and begin by changing at least one of them.

    5. Get a grip of the negative thought patterns. Try to focus on something positive.

    6. Ask for help from someone who is safe, either a professional or someone you know cares.
    What to do When You Feel Overwhelmed✨ 1. Unplug from social media and, if possible, switch off your phone. 2. Try to drop all non-essential commitments. 3. Make sure you get out of the house. Deliberately change your environment each day. 4. Make a list of the things you CAN do, and begin by changing at least one of them. 5. Get a grip of the negative thought patterns. Try to focus on something positive. 6. Ask for help from someone who is safe, either a professional or someone you know cares.
  • The new age of artificial intelligence is here. Get over it.

    Consider this particular anecdote: some companies are already asking how much of the job can be done with artificial intelligence when evaluating the need to hire a role. This is supported by evidence that companies are reevaluating their teams and acting accordingly.
    The new age of artificial intelligence is here. Get over it. Consider this particular anecdote: some companies are already asking how much of the job can be done with artificial intelligence when evaluating the need to hire a role. This is supported by evidence that companies are reevaluating their teams and acting accordingly.
  • We can’t even agree if designers should code, so we also need to define better what a good designer looks like so we can represent it outside our field.
    We can’t even agree if designers should code, so we also need to define better what a good designer looks like so we can represent it outside our field.
  • It doesn’t mean we’re forgetting the user, it means that the user has to come with dollar signs attached to them.
    It doesn’t mean we’re forgetting the user, it means that the user has to come with dollar signs attached to them.
  • Will some designers fall by the wayside? Yes. Just like in other fields, capitalism is taking hold. But we have to clearly communicate the expectations, and right now we are not.
    Will some designers fall by the wayside? Yes. Just like in other fields, capitalism is taking hold. But we have to clearly communicate the expectations, and right now we are not.
  • It means more research, more data, and more skills current designers do not have unless their organization trains them.
    It means more research, more data, and more skills current designers do not have unless their organization trains them.
  • Venture funding seems to be supporting this. Even though a lot of the Q2 2024 funding for companies is attributed to a single deal — Elon Musk’s AI venture — the market does seem to be picking up.

    Other legacy organizations are hiring too.
    Venture funding seems to be supporting this. Even though a lot of the Q2 2024 funding for companies is attributed to a single deal — Elon Musk’s AI venture — the market does seem to be picking up. Other legacy organizations are hiring too.