Upgrade to Pro

  • That kind of love should've been able to beat sickness. That kind of love should've conquered anything.
    That kind of love should've been able to beat sickness. That kind of love should've conquered anything.
  • Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference.

    🖌 @Quotes
    Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference. 🖌 @Quotes 📝
  • Success is most often achieved
    by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.

    🖌 @Quotes
    Success is most often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable. 🖌 @Quotes 📝
  • Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.

    🖌 @Quotes
    Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely. 🖌 @Quotes 📝
  • Happiness is acceptance:

    - Accepting past mistakes
    - Accepting your imperfections
    - Accepting not everyone will like you
    - Accepting you can’t change others
    - Accepting those days you feel “off”

    Being happy doesn't mean life is perfect

    It means you're fully embracing all of it

    Happiness is acceptance: - Accepting past mistakes - Accepting your imperfections - Accepting not everyone will like you - Accepting you can’t change others - Accepting those days you feel “off” Being happy doesn't mean life is perfect It means you're fully embracing all of it #quotes
  • To worry is the worst way
    predicting what will happen next.

    It achieves nothing while consuming a lot of your time and energy

    Let things unravel and trust in your ability to overcome whatever comes your way.

    To worry is the worst way predicting what will happen next. It achieves nothing while consuming a lot of your time and energy Let things unravel and trust in your ability to overcome whatever comes your way. #quotes
  • Your success is the result of what you decide to do in every moment.

    It’s not some major achievement you have to try and tackle all at once.

    It’s the culmination of many small decisions.

    Focus on the present moment and act like the person you want to be.

    Success will come!

    Your success is the result of what you decide to do in every moment. It’s not some major achievement you have to try and tackle all at once. It’s the culmination of many small decisions. Focus on the present moment and act like the person you want to be. Success will come! #quotes
  • Defeat is when you are thrown down by your opponent in the ring
    because you got knocked out.

    Giving up is when you don’t have the courage

    to get back on your feet and last another round.

    Never, ever, confuse defeat with giving up.

    Defeat is when you are thrown down by your opponent in the ring because you got knocked out. Giving up is when you don’t have the courage to get back on your feet and last another round. Never, ever, confuse defeat with giving up. #quotes
  • Smooth road never make good driver,

    Clear sky never make good pilot,

    Problem free life never make

    good person.

    Life is challenge.Face it.

    Smooth road never make good driver, Clear sky never make good pilot, Problem free life never make good person. Life is challenge.Face it. #quotes