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  • In 1962, the first Wal-Mart opened up in Rogers, Arkansas
    In 1962, the first Wal-Mart opened up in Rogers, Arkansas
  • 3000 children die every day in Africa because of malaria.
    3000 children die every day in Africa because of malaria.
  • Ergophobia is the fear of an abnormal fear of work or aversion to work.
    Ergophobia is the fear of an abnormal fear of work or aversion to work.
  • Charles Darwin spent 39 years studying earthworms.
    Charles Darwin spent 39 years studying earthworms.
  • Seniors who drink a cup of coffee before a memory test score higher than those who drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
    Seniors who drink a cup of coffee before a memory test score higher than those who drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
  • The sloth moves so slowly that green algae grows in the grooves of their hair.
    The sloth moves so slowly that green algae grows in the grooves of their hair.
  • Speaking of search – One THIRD of all Internet searches are specifically for pornography. It is estimated that 80% of all images on the Internet are of naked women.
    Speaking of search – One THIRD of all Internet searches are specifically for pornography. It is estimated that 80% of all images on the Internet are of naked women.
  • Some African tribes refer to themselves as 'motherhoods' instead of families.
    Some African tribes refer to themselves as 'motherhoods' instead of families.
  • Casey Kasem is the voice of Shaggy on the cartoon show 'Scooby-Doo.' Casey Kasem, being a strict vegetarian, also requested that Shaggy follow the same diet on the show.
    Casey Kasem is the voice of Shaggy on the cartoon show 'Scooby-Doo.' Casey Kasem, being a strict vegetarian, also requested that Shaggy follow the same diet on the show.
  • In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world'snuclear weapons combined.
    In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world'snuclear weapons combined.