Upgrade to Pro

  • “The salvation of the world depends on the men who will not take evil good-humouredly, and whose laughter destroys the fool instead of encouraging him.”
    “The salvation of the world depends on the men who will not take evil good-humouredly, and whose laughter destroys the fool instead of encouraging him.”
  • “No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it well, ever loses his self-respect.”
    “No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it well, ever loses his self-respect.”
  • Make them catch you fes
    Make them catch you fes😅😅😅
  • “I had not achieved a success; but I provoked an uproar; and the sensation was so agreeable that I resolved to try again.”

    “I had not achieved a success; but I provoked an uproar; and the sensation was so agreeable that I resolved to try again.”
  • “Home life as we understand it is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo.”

    “Home life as we understand it is no more natural to us than a cage is natural to a cockatoo.”
  • “Journalists are too poorly paid in this country to know anything that is fit for publication.”

    “Journalists are too poorly paid in this country to know anything that is fit for publication.”
  • “Vulgarity is a necessary part of a complete author's equipment; and the clown is sometimes the best part of the circus.”
    “Vulgarity is a necessary part of a complete author's equipment; and the clown is sometimes the best part of the circus.”
  • Before you Marry ehnnn
    Before you Marry ehnnn😂😂😂
  • “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”

    “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”