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  • *Ìmòràn*
    Be careful who you share your problems with
    *Èyàn kan ló nsòré èyàn méwa*
    Your best friend is another person's best friend
    *Shónibárìn, shónibáré*
    #hope you get it?
    *Ire o!*
    *Ìmòràn* Be careful who you share your problems with *Èyàn kan ló nsòré èyàn méwa* Your best friend is another person's best friend *Shónibárìn, shónibáré* #hope you get it? *Ire o!*
  • “Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again.
    “Learn from your mistakes. The number one reason I see entrepreneurs failing isn’t because they make mistakes, but they keep on making the same ones over and over again. Learn from them and avoid making the same ones over again. @Busines_Insight ✅
  • By the time you realize my worth, ima be in another man's kitchen making semo and his fav soup. Ur loss
    By the time you realize my worth, ima be in another man's kitchen making semo and his fav soup. Ur loss 😌
  • 5 Best Neil Patel Quotes

    1. “You have to be able to adapt quickly. If you aren’t able to adapt to market changes, someone else will.”

    2. “Keep starting companies and you’ll never live another boring day in your life.”

    3. “Don’t make excuses, make improvements.”

    4. “You don’t need a fortune to be fortunate.”

    5. “It’s not about the amount of time you devote but rather what you devote to that time that counts.”

    5 Best Neil Patel Quotes 1. “You have to be able to adapt quickly. If you aren’t able to adapt to market changes, someone else will.” 2. “Keep starting companies and you’ll never live another boring day in your life.” 3. “Don’t make excuses, make improvements.” 4. “You don’t need a fortune to be fortunate.” 5. “It’s not about the amount of time you devote but rather what you devote to that time that counts.” @Busines_Insight ✅
  • The blind old man and the marketer

    One day, a blind man was sitting on the steps of a building with a hat near his feet and a sign that said, “I am blind, please help!”

    One famous marketer was on his way to work, passing an old man and stopped. He looked at the disabled man who only had a few coins in his hat.

    He threw him a couple of coins and wrote new words on the sign without his permission. He left it to the blind man and left.

    In the afternoon he returned and saw that the hat was full of coins and money. The blind man recognized him by his steps and asked if he was the man who copied the tablet. He also wanted to know what exactly he had written.

    He replied: “Nothing that would be untrue. I just wrote it a little differently."

    He smiled and left. The new inscription on the sign was:

    “It’s a beautiful day, but I can’t see it.”
    The blind old man and the marketer One day, a blind man was sitting on the steps of a building with a hat near his feet and a sign that said, “I am blind, please help!” One famous marketer was on his way to work, passing an old man and stopped. He looked at the disabled man who only had a few coins in his hat. He threw him a couple of coins and wrote new words on the sign without his permission. He left it to the blind man and left. In the afternoon he returned and saw that the hat was full of coins and money. The blind man recognized him by his steps and asked if he was the man who copied the tablet. He also wanted to know what exactly he had written. He replied: “Nothing that would be untrue. I just wrote it a little differently." He smiled and left. The new inscription on the sign was: “It’s a beautiful day, but I can’t see it.”
  • How I will explain to my children that PMS of N198 in May, 2023 is now being sold at N1,000 plus in September, 2024 is still hard to come by.
    How I will explain to my children that PMS of N198 in May, 2023 is now being sold at N1,000 plus in September, 2024 is still hard to come by.
  • 10 lessons that may be found in "How to Win at the Sport of Business"

    1. Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset: Develop a mindset that is proactive, innovative, and constantly seeking new opportunities. Think like an entrepreneur, even if you're working within an existing organization.

    2. Take calculated risks: Success often involves taking risks. Evaluate the potential rewards and consequences carefully, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone when necessary.

    3. Pursue your passion: Find a field or industry that truly excites you and aligns with your interests and values. Passion will drive your motivation and determination to succeed.

    4. Learn from failures: Failure is a natural part of the journey to success. Embrace your failures as learning opportunities, analyze what went wrong, and adapt your approach accordingly.

    5. Continuously learn and evolve: Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Stay updated with industry trends, new technologies, and relevant skills to ensure you remain competitive and adaptable.

    6. Build a strong network: Cultivate relationships with like-minded individuals, mentors, and professionals in your industry. Networking can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable insights, and offer support when needed.

    7. Develop excellent communication skills: Effective communication is vital in business. Master the art of clearly expressing your ideas, actively listening to others, and building strong professional relationships.

    8. Focus on customer satisfaction: Place a high priority on understanding and meeting customer needs. Consistently deliver value and exceed customer expectations to build a loyal customer base.

    9. Set clear goals and take action: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Break them down into actionable steps and consistently work towards their attainment.

    10. Maintain a strong work ethic. Success in business requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. Be willing to put in the effort, go the extra mile, and persevere through challenges.

    10 lessons that may be found in "How to Win at the Sport of Business" 1. Embrace the entrepreneurial mindset: Develop a mindset that is proactive, innovative, and constantly seeking new opportunities. Think like an entrepreneur, even if you're working within an existing organization. 2. Take calculated risks: Success often involves taking risks. Evaluate the potential rewards and consequences carefully, and be willing to step outside your comfort zone when necessary. 3. Pursue your passion: Find a field or industry that truly excites you and aligns with your interests and values. Passion will drive your motivation and determination to succeed. 4. Learn from failures: Failure is a natural part of the journey to success. Embrace your failures as learning opportunities, analyze what went wrong, and adapt your approach accordingly. 5. Continuously learn and evolve: Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Stay updated with industry trends, new technologies, and relevant skills to ensure you remain competitive and adaptable. 6. Build a strong network: Cultivate relationships with like-minded individuals, mentors, and professionals in your industry. Networking can open doors to new opportunities, provide valuable insights, and offer support when needed. 7. Develop excellent communication skills: Effective communication is vital in business. Master the art of clearly expressing your ideas, actively listening to others, and building strong professional relationships. 8. Focus on customer satisfaction: Place a high priority on understanding and meeting customer needs. Consistently deliver value and exceed customer expectations to build a loyal customer base. 9. Set clear goals and take action: Define specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Break them down into actionable steps and consistently work towards their attainment. 10. Maintain a strong work ethic. Success in business requires dedication, discipline, and hard work. Be willing to put in the effort, go the extra mile, and persevere through challenges. @Busines_Insight ✅
  • To all those going through a lot but still act like everything is fine,may God meet you at the point of your needs.
    To all those going through a lot but still act like everything is fine,may God meet you at the point of your needs.
  • Good morning.

    Say this to yourself :

    "My life is amazing. I am doing well. Everything happening now is leading me to something better. I am growing and improving. I believe in sudden blessings and miracles."

    Every breath I take is a reminder that God’s hand is at work in my life. No matter the circumstances, I am anchored in the truth that everything unfolding before me is leading to something greater. With each challenge, I am being refined. With each victory, I am stepping into the fullness of who I am destined to become. I choose to see this journey with eyes of gratitude, acknowledging that even in moments of uncertainty, I am being divinely guided.

    I trust that growth often comes wrapped in unexpected packages. Though I may not always see the way forward, I believe in the power of sudden blessings—those moments when God steps in, shifting the course of my life in beautiful ways. My heart is open to the miracles that await me, the kind that restore hope and remind me that I am never alone in this path.

    Psalm 37:23 says, *"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way."* This verse is my assurance that each step I take is part of a divine design. God takes delight in my journey, knowing that every twist and turn is shaping me for something incredible. With this in my heart, I walk forward in faith, confident that my story is unfolding in perfect timing.
    Good morning. Say this to yourself : "My life is amazing. I am doing well. Everything happening now is leading me to something better. I am growing and improving. I believe in sudden blessings and miracles." Every breath I take is a reminder that God’s hand is at work in my life. No matter the circumstances, I am anchored in the truth that everything unfolding before me is leading to something greater. With each challenge, I am being refined. With each victory, I am stepping into the fullness of who I am destined to become. I choose to see this journey with eyes of gratitude, acknowledging that even in moments of uncertainty, I am being divinely guided. I trust that growth often comes wrapped in unexpected packages. Though I may not always see the way forward, I believe in the power of sudden blessings—those moments when God steps in, shifting the course of my life in beautiful ways. My heart is open to the miracles that await me, the kind that restore hope and remind me that I am never alone in this path. Psalm 37:23 says, *"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way."* This verse is my assurance that each step I take is part of a divine design. God takes delight in my journey, knowing that every twist and turn is shaping me for something incredible. With this in my heart, I walk forward in faith, confident that my story is unfolding in perfect timing.