Upgrade to Pro

  • A woman with two husbands cheats both.

    - Portuguese Proverb
    A woman with two husbands cheats both. - Portuguese Proverb
  • The more hair a dog has,the more fleas he will have.

    - Netherlands Antillean Proverb
    The more hair a dog has,the more fleas he will have. - Netherlands Antillean Proverb
  • Earth belongs to the brave but heaven to those who deserve it.

    - Basque Proverb
    Earth belongs to the brave but heaven to those who deserve it. - Basque Proverb
  • When one chief falls,another rises.

    - New Zealander Proverb
    When one chief falls,another rises. - New Zealander Proverb
  • Every doctor thinks his pills are the best.

    - French Proverb
    Every doctor thinks his pills are the best. - French Proverb
  • Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference.
    🖌 @Quotes
    Don't just aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference. 🖌 @Quotes
  • The older you get, the more you want peace and to be left alone - away from people's arguments, assumptions, beliefs, business, complaints, disrespect, drama, energy, gossip, lies, judgments, manipulations, opinions, projections, right and wrong, stories, and emotional baggage.

    The older you get, the more you want peace and to be left alone - away from people's arguments, assumptions, beliefs, business, complaints, disrespect, drama, energy, gossip, lies, judgments, manipulations, opinions, projections, right and wrong, stories, and emotional baggage. #tips
  • Jamaica is the only country in the world whose flag doesn’t contain the colors red, white, or blue.

    Jamaica is the only country in the world whose flag doesn’t contain the colors red, white, or blue. #countries