Upgrade to Pro

  • #quotes
  • You might think your life is boring, but the peace of knowing tomorrow will be much like today is a luxury many lack. For some, each day brings new challenges and crises. The absence of drama or disaster in your life is a gift.

    You might think your life is boring, but the peace of knowing tomorrow will be much like today is a luxury many lack. For some, each day brings new challenges and crises. The absence of drama or disaster in your life is a gift. #tips
  • You might think your life is boring, but the peace of knowing tomorrow will be much like today is a luxury many lack. For some, each day brings new challenges and crises. The absence of drama or disaster in your life is a gift.

    You might think your life is boring, but the peace of knowing tomorrow will be much like today is a luxury many lack. For some, each day brings new challenges and crises. The absence of drama or disaster in your life is a gift. #tips
  • Don’t let anyone shame you for how you respond to their disrespect. Your feelings are valid, and no one can turn them against you. You have every right to establish boundaries, especially when they arise from someone else’s lack of consideration.

    Don’t let anyone shame you for how you respond to their disrespect. Your feelings are valid, and no one can turn them against you. You have every right to establish boundaries, especially when they arise from someone else’s lack of consideration. #tips