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  • Women, work on developing yourself rather than falling victim in the hand of a bully and weak man all in the name of love..👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 #YouBetterKnowIt
    Women, work on developing yourself rather than falling victim in the hand of a bully and weak man all in the name of love..👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 #YouBetterKnowIt
  • I work hard so i can live in my own house
    I work hard so i can live in my own house
  • Loosing sleep because your heart feels heavy is the worst thing ever
    Loosing sleep because your heart feels heavy is the worst thing ever
  • DEAR MEN; If a woman stops "getting jealous", "asking questions", "texting first", "worrying about you", "asking about your female friends", and starts saying; "I'm fine",
    "it's cool", "I'm not angry", "no problem"... Just know that the last tears have dropped and she no longer cares what happens.
    No woman leaves a man because he made a mistake, she left because he made it a habit.
    When she puts all her best and effort to make the relationship work, don't think she's desperate. She wants to be the best woman for you.
    A woman does not make noise when she's leaving you. She made noise before when she wanted to stay, but you did not listen.
    Listen bros, once a woman stops showing signs of jealousy, her spirit has left you.
    Don't take a good woman for granted. Her simplicity is not a sign of weakness.
    Good women are not easy to come by these days.
    Value the woman you have, and also value your relationship.
    DEAR MEN; If a woman stops "getting jealous", "asking questions", "texting first", "worrying about you", "asking about your female friends", and starts saying; "I'm fine", "it's cool", "I'm not angry", "no problem"... Just know that the last tears have dropped and she no longer cares what happens. No woman leaves a man because he made a mistake, she left because he made it a habit. When she puts all her best and effort to make the relationship work, don't think she's desperate. She wants to be the best woman for you. A woman does not make noise when she's leaving you. She made noise before when she wanted to stay, but you did not listen. Listen bros, once a woman stops showing signs of jealousy, her spirit has left you. Don't take a good woman for granted. Her simplicity is not a sign of weakness. Good women are not easy to come by these days. Value the woman you have, and also value your relationship.
  • Nobody goes through **** than a person with a good heart
    Nobody goes through shit than a person with a good heart
  • “Your girlfriend should be your bestfriend, so don't treat her like a friend with benefits.”
    “Your girlfriend should be your bestfriend, so don't treat her like a friend with benefits.”
  • “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try!!”
    “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try!!”
  • “If you're somebody's second choice, then they're not good enough to be your first.”
    “If you're somebody's second choice, then they're not good enough to be your first.”