Upgrade to Pro

  • Eat according to the limits of your provisions; walk according to the length of your step.

    - Tibetan Proverb
    Eat according to the limits of your provisions; walk according to the length of your step. - Tibetan Proverb
  • When you get older you keep warm with the wood you gathered as a youth.

    - Bambara Proverb
    When you get older you keep warm with the wood you gathered as a youth. - Bambara Proverb
  • Feed the raven and he'll peck out your eyes.

    - Spanish Proverb
    Feed the raven and he'll peck out your eyes. - Spanish Proverb
  • Mediocrity is climbing molehills without sweating.

    - Icelandic Proverb
    Mediocrity is climbing molehills without sweating. - Icelandic Proverb
  • From walking -- something; from sitting -- nothing.

    - Bulgarian Proverb
    From walking -- something; from sitting -- nothing. - Bulgarian Proverb
  • Don't scratch your shoe when it's your foot that itches.

    - Japanese Proverb
    Don't scratch your shoe when it's your foot that itches. - Japanese Proverb
  • Whenever the need arises, there will be no stories, just resources!
    Whenever the need arises, there will be no stories, just resources!
  • "I've walked through many seasons of life, each one shaping me into different versions of myself. But no matter how dark the days have been, I always find my way back to the same heart, passion, purpose, and soul—just a little more weathered and a lot wiser. As the Word says, 'But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold' (Job 23:10). Through every trial, I’m being refined, holding onto the purpose God placed in me. Keep faith, keep growing—we’re all being shaped into something greater."
    "I've walked through many seasons of life, each one shaping me into different versions of myself. But no matter how dark the days have been, I always find my way back to the same heart, passion, purpose, and soul—just a little more weathered and a lot wiser. As the Word says, 'But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold' (Job 23:10). Through every trial, I’m being refined, holding onto the purpose God placed in me. Keep faith, keep growing—we’re all being shaped into something greater."