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  • Don't worry if you borrow -- worry if you lend.

    - Russian Proverb
    Don't worry if you borrow -- worry if you lend. - Russian Proverb
  • This day shall be a blessed day for us if we do the things that right
    This day shall be a blessed day for us if we do the things that right
  • Never forget your roots, for they are the sacred soil from which your soul draws nourishment. In the vast journey of life, where the winds of change may sweep you to distant lands, it is your roots that anchor you in the essence of who you are. These roots are not mere ties to a past, but living, breathing parts of your being—infused with the wisdom of your ancestors, the lessons of your youth, and the essence of your culture.

    To forget them is to risk becoming a leaf, drifting aimlessly in the breeze, unmoored from the tree that gave it life. But to remember them is to carry with you a compass, guiding you with the quiet strength of knowing where you come from. This connection to your roots grounds you in authenticity, reminding you that while you may reach for the stars, your feet are planted firmly in the earth of your origins.

    In a world that often prizes the new over the old, the transient over the enduring, your roots are a testament to the enduring power of heritage, memory, and identity. They are the echo of all who have come before you and the foundation upon which you build your future. Never forget them, for in them lies the story of your life, the map of your journey, and the strength to stand tall against the tempests of time.
    Never forget your roots, for they are the sacred soil from which your soul draws nourishment. In the vast journey of life, where the winds of change may sweep you to distant lands, it is your roots that anchor you in the essence of who you are. These roots are not mere ties to a past, but living, breathing parts of your being—infused with the wisdom of your ancestors, the lessons of your youth, and the essence of your culture. To forget them is to risk becoming a leaf, drifting aimlessly in the breeze, unmoored from the tree that gave it life. But to remember them is to carry with you a compass, guiding you with the quiet strength of knowing where you come from. This connection to your roots grounds you in authenticity, reminding you that while you may reach for the stars, your feet are planted firmly in the earth of your origins. In a world that often prizes the new over the old, the transient over the enduring, your roots are a testament to the enduring power of heritage, memory, and identity. They are the echo of all who have come before you and the foundation upon which you build your future. Never forget them, for in them lies the story of your life, the map of your journey, and the strength to stand tall against the tempests of time.
  • How many recipes can you create from plantain?
    Drop your comments let discuss
    How many recipes can you create from plantain? Drop your comments let discuss