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  • What ever we do let have two things in mind Love and forgiveness, because it is important
    What ever we do let have two things in mind Love and forgiveness, because it is important
  • The bible say love your neighbor as yourself but what of the neighbor that kill your dreams how will you show love to such a neighbor
    The bible say love your neighbor as yourself but what of the neighbor that kill your dreams how will you show love to such a neighbor
  • Try and feed someone today it is important
    Try and feed someone today it is important
  • Thank God it is Sunday a new week is about to start from tomorrow I pray for you, your going out and coming in is bless
    Thank God it is Sunday a new week is about to start from tomorrow I pray for you, your going out and coming in is bless
  • The people you look down on today may become your strength tomorrow never looked down on anyone because you don't know plans of God for there life
    The people you look down on today may become your strength tomorrow never looked down on anyone because you don't know plans of God for there life
  • This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.and try as possible best to live happily with your fellow for in so doing your days will be prolong
    This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.and try as possible best to live happily with your fellow for in so doing your days will be prolong
  • Happy weekend to all of us here may God bless our hustle in Jesus name amen
    Happy weekend to all of us here may God bless our hustle in Jesus name amen
  • Lord please give me the opportunity and grace to serve you more
    Lord please give me the opportunity and grace to serve you more
  • Positive
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