Curiocity kills the cat
Anxiety kills the rat
But the patient dog takes the fattest bone
#danloaderCuriocity kills the cat Anxiety kills the rat But the patient dog takes the fattest bone #bepatient #danloader -
Do not worry about how the past can distroy your progress , intead think on how the future can lead to your progress
#danloaderDo not worry about how the past can distroy your progress , intead think on how the future can lead to your progress #letgoofthepast #danloader -
Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions #beware #danloader
Learn as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow #livetothefullest #danloader
Keep your face always toward the sunshine―and shadows will fall behind you.
#danloaderKeep your face always toward the sunshine―and shadows will fall behind you. #donotlookback #keepmoving #danloader -
The secret of getting ahead is moving forward #keepmoving #danloader
It s never too late to be what you might have been #itsnotlate #danloader
Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day #bepostive #danloader
Dream big and dare to fly. #DreamBig #TakeRisks #Fearless0 Comments ·0 Shares ·0 Reviews
Dream big and dare to fail. #DreamBig #TakeRisks #Fearless
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