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  • More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
    More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
  • Live each day as if your life had just begun.
    Live each day as if your life had just begun.
  • Busy Life Makes Prayers Harder, But Prayers Make A Hard And Busy Life Easier. So Keep Praying .
    Busy Life Makes Prayers Harder, But Prayers Make A Hard And Busy Life Easier. So Keep Praying .
  • Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
    Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
  • Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine.
    Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine.
  • The more you know, the less you need to show.
    The more you know, the less you need to show.
  • Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.
    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right.
  • A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
    A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.
  • The busy man is never wise and the wise man is never busy.
    The busy man is never wise and the wise man is never busy.
  • More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
    More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren't so busy denying them.
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