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  • Many staple foods (like grains and rice) need to cook a certain way to be edible
    Many staple foods (like grains and rice) need to cook a certain way to be edible
  • Water is necessary for common preparations like steaming and boiling
    Water is necessary for common preparations like steaming and boiling
  • Speaking of food, it’s all grown with water
    Speaking of food, it’s all grown with water
  • To produce enough food to feed communities and entire countries, a lot of water is needed.
    To produce enough food to feed communities and entire countries, a lot of water is needed.
  • Water keeps your organs healthy
    Water keeps your organs healthy
  • All your organs need water and with strong, healthy organs, you can enjoy a good life.
    All your organs need water and with strong, healthy organs, you can enjoy a good life.
  • Fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration
    Fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration
  • All your organs need water and with strong, healthy organs, you can enjoy a good life.
    All your organs need water and with strong, healthy organs, you can enjoy a good life.
  • When you’re hydrated, the brain stays clear, focused, and functioning at a quick pace.
    When you’re hydrated, the brain stays clear, focused, and functioning at a quick pace.
  • Good hygiene is important for good health
    Good hygiene is important for good health
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