Upgrade to Pro

  • Don’t waste a minute not being happy
    Don’t waste a minute not being happy
  • You do not find the happy life
    You do not find the happy life
  • Never let yesterday use up too much of today
    Never let yesterday use up too much of today
  • Mindful Monday,start the week right
    Mindful Monday,start the week right
  • Either you run the day or the day runs you
    Either you run the day or the day runs you
  • Sending my warmest wishes for a new week ahead
    Sending my warmest wishes for a new week ahead
  • Forget about the past,embrace future and the possibilities it presents
    Forget about the past,embrace future and the possibilities it presents
  • What you do today can improves all your tomorrow
    What you do today can improves all your tomorrow
  • Hey,I know it’s Monday!
    Hey,I know it’s Monday!
  • Adulthood na scam
    Adulthood na scam
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