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  • Some times words of encouragement are words of stagnation because it keeps a man comfortable in a certain stage.
    Some times words of encouragement are words of stagnation because it keeps a man comfortable in a certain stage.
  • There are rules of money that the rich play by, and there are the rules that the other 95 Percentage play by. After all all hands are not equal.
    There are rules of money that the rich play by, and there are the rules that the other 95 Percentage play by. After all all hands are not equal.
  • If you look at the life of the average educated, hard working person, there is a similar path. We work and end up spending.
    If you look at the life of the average educated, hard working person, there is a similar path. We work and end up spending.
  • In actual sense does school prepare children for the real world? Studying to get good grades and graduate.
    In actual sense does school prepare children for the real world? Studying to get good grades and graduate.
  • How does a person say "thank you" individually when there are so many people to thank?
    How does a person say "thank you" individually when there are so many people to thank?
  • What can someone gift you right now that you will be always grateful for?
    Talk now ooo
    What can someone gift you right now that you will be always grateful for? Talk now ooo
  • What is the weirdest way someone has used to initiate a chat with you in social media?
    What is the weirdest way someone has used to initiate a chat with you in social media?
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