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  • But we keep trusting in you, our sovereign LORD,we seek your protection don't let us die.
    But we keep trusting in you, our sovereign LORD,we seek your protection don't let us die.
  • Like wood that is split and chopped into bits, so their bones are scattered at the edge of the grave.
    Like wood that is split and chopped into bits, so their bones are scattered at the edge of the grave.
  • When their rulers are thrown down from rocky cliffs, the people will admit that your words were true
    When their rulers are thrown down from rocky cliffs, the people will admit that your words were true
  • But we will never accept honour from evil people, because we always praying against their evil deeds
    But we will never accept honour from evil people, because we always praying against their evil deeds
  • Good people may punish us and rebuke us in kindness,
    Good people may punish us and rebuke us in kindness,
  • May we never take part in their feasts.
    May we never take part in their feasts.
  • Keep us from wanting to do wrong and from joining evil people in their wickedness
    Keep us from wanting to do wrong and from joining evil people in their wickedness
  • Lord place a guard at our mouths a sentry at the door of our lips.
    Lord place a guard at our mouths a sentry at the door of our lips.
  • Receive our prayers as incense our uplifted hands as evening sacrifice.
    Receive our prayers as incense our uplifted hands as evening sacrifice.
  • We call you Lord, help us now, listen to us when we call to you.
    We call you Lord, help us now, listen to us when we call to you.
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