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  • Colo 1:15 he is the image of the invisible God the first born of all creation.
    Colo 1:15 he is the image of the invisible God the first born of all creation.
  • For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe shall not perish but have eternal live.
    For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believe shall not perish but have eternal live.
  • Who made the earth??,its God! The Devil only has Dominion over the earth but he is not the owner of the world.
    Who made the earth??,its God! The Devil only has Dominion over the earth but he is not the owner of the world.
  • They lord shall fight your battles for you.
    They lord shall fight your battles for you.
  • Live by the word of God and proclaim his word.
    Live by the word of God and proclaim his word.
  • I have a Joy that is flowing like a River,no matter the circumstances,i am strong.
    I have a Joy that is flowing like a River,no matter the circumstances,i am strong.
  • I lift my voice to you oh God,you are awesome.
    I lift my voice to you oh God,you are awesome.
  • The live you live will determine were you will endup.
    The live you live will determine were you will endup.
  • Thank you father
    Thank you father
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