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  • Stay connected to your update
    Stay connected to your update
  • Wishing you a successful week ahead
    Wishing you a successful week ahead
  • I believe it was a great day
    I believe it was a great day
  • Hope you enjoyed your weekend
    Hope you enjoyed your weekend
  • Good evening amazing family and happy Sunday
    Good evening 🌆 amazing family and happy Sunday
  • Let's thank God for the weekend. Hope you enjoyed your day off
    Let's thank God for the weekend. Hope you enjoyed your day off
  • In summary, by prioritizing education and skill acquisition helps is youth empowerment
    In summary, by prioritizing education and skill acquisition helps is youth empowerment
  • GEPSUDE aims to empower individuals and communities to drive sustainable development and create a better future.
    GEPSUDE aims to empower individuals and communities to drive sustainable development and create a better future.
  • Treatment and processing of waste (composting, recycling)
    Treatment and processing of waste (composting, recycling)
  • Reduction and minimization of waste generation.
    Reduction and minimization of waste generation.
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