Here's a little counsel you may not get out there
When in a Relationship with someone, try and pay them a surprise visit once in a while.
Just show up at their doorstep out of the blues.
It's not every time you should call them before visiting.
People who have skeletons in their cupboards to hide WILL ALWAYS insist you call before coming.
Surprise Visits have revealed a lot of things about people to the persons they're dating than question and answer sessions have from the beginning of time till date.
The ones camping different girls in their House over the weekend
The ones who will keep clothes, plates and pots soaked for days
The ones who are using packaging prepared in advance to deceive you whenever you meet, they lie about where they live, what they do, who they are, etc.
That's how you'll land in your together forever's house gba, and a lady in towel will open the door for you and ask you "who are you?"
Relationship shouldn't be too scripted, it's not a Movie. Show up unannounced once in a whilSURPRISE VISIT Here's a little counsel you may not get out there When in a Relationship with someone, try and pay them a surprise visit once in a while. Just show up at their doorstep out of the blues. It's not every time you should call them before visiting. People who have skeletons in their cupboards to hide WILL ALWAYS insist you call before coming. Surprise Visits have revealed a lot of things about people to the persons they're dating than question and answer sessions have from the beginning of time till date. The ones camping different girls in their House over the weekend The ones who will keep clothes, plates and pots soaked for days The ones who are using packaging prepared in advance to deceive you whenever you meet, they lie about where they live, what they do, who they are, etc. That's how you'll land in your together forever's house gba, and a lady in towel will open the door for you and ask you "who are you?" Relationship shouldn't be too scripted, it's not a Movie. Show up unannounced once in a whil
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