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  • The real hero doesn't say that he is one

    The real hero doesn't say that he is one
  • Don't use an axe to do embroidery

    Don't use an axe to do embroidery
  • Do not try to cook the goat's young in the goat's milk

    Do not try to cook the goat's young in the goat's milk
  • Wrath often consumes what god gives husbands

    Wrath often consumes what god gives husbands
  • When one chief falls,another rises

    When one chief falls,another rises
  • No attention is paid to him who is always complaining
    No attention is paid to him who is always complaining
  • However big the whale may be,the tiny harpoon can rob him of life

    However big the whale may be,the tiny harpoon can rob him of life
  • Once you have fallen into the water,you're not scared of water any more

    Once you have fallen into the water,you're not scared of water any more
  • All food is fit to eat,but not all words are fit to speak

    All food is fit to eat,but not all words are fit to speak
  • A man who develops himself is born twice
    A man who develops himself is born twice
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