Upgrade to Pro

  • For God so love the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever beliveth in him wouldn't perish
    For God so love the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever beliveth in him wouldn't perish
  • Sorry I wasn't raised good enough to be sociable like you, however I grew up with lots of unusual experiences and gained remarkable wisdom enough to consider you stupid
    Sorry I wasn't raised good enough to be sociable like you, however I grew up with lots of unusual experiences and gained remarkable wisdom enough to consider you stupid
  • do not let your past experiences harm your future. your past can not be altered and your future does not deserve the punishment
    do not let your past experiences harm your future. your past can not be altered and your future does not deserve the punishment
  • Your best friends now, can become your worst enemies later, but also the other way around. Keep that in mind when you judge people, because you might experience something like it
    Your best friends now, can become your worst enemies later, but also the other way around. Keep that in mind when you judge people, because you might experience something like it
  • A real friend tells you not to give up on your dreams. A real friend inspires you to push on.
    A real friend tells you not to give up on your dreams. A real friend inspires you to push on.
  • The Sun challenges us to Shine, the Clouds remind us to Move, the Birds tell us we too can Fly and the Sky tells us that there is no limit to our dreams and goals.
    The Sun challenges us to Shine, the Clouds remind us to Move, the Birds tell us we too can Fly and the Sky tells us that there is no limit to our dreams and goals.
  • Never give up. Believe in yourself. Your belief in self will make you aware of your strength, power, & determination to thrive.
    Never give up. Believe in yourself. Your belief in self will make you aware of your strength, power, & determination to thrive.
  • I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing, As long as I'm still standing, I will never give up.
    I will never give up! As long as I'm still breathing, As long as I'm still standing, I will never give up.
  • Go ahead and be the best imperfect person you can be and get started on those things you want to accomplish before you die.
    Go ahead and be the best imperfect person you can be and get started on those things you want to accomplish before you die.
  • Im too lazy too be fake. Being real takes alot less effort, I dont have to do anything besides be myself.
    Im too lazy too be fake. Being real takes alot less effort, I dont have to do anything besides be myself.
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