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    Way up high in the apple tree
    Stretch both arms above your head, hands open.
    Two little apples smiled at me
    Keep arms above head, close hands into fists.
    I shook that tree as hard as I could
    Keep arms above head, "shake" tree.
    Down came the apples
    Bring fists down toward stomach.
    Mmmm, they were good!
    Rub stomach.
    APPLE TREE Way up high in the apple tree Stretch both arms above your head, hands open. Two little apples smiled at me Keep arms above head, close hands into fists. I shook that tree as hard as I could Keep arms above head, "shake" tree. Down came the apples Bring fists down toward stomach. Mmmm, they were good! Rub stomach.
    Five little monkeys swinging on a tree
    Fingers extended swing your hand back and forth.
    Teasing Mr. Alligator, "can't catch me, can't catch me
    Shaking your head, wag your finger like you're saying "no, no".
    Along came Mr. Alligator quiet as can be and
    Say this in a whisper, making a SSSHHH motion.
    Clap hands together like the mouth of an alligator.
    Four little monkeys swinging on a tree...
    Three little monkeys swinging on a tree...
    Two little monkeys swinging on a tree...
    One little monkey swinging on a tree...
    FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS Five little monkeys swinging on a tree Fingers extended swing your hand back and forth. Teasing Mr. Alligator, "can't catch me, can't catch me Shaking your head, wag your finger like you're saying "no, no". Along came Mr. Alligator quiet as can be and Say this in a whisper, making a SSSHHH motion. SNAP! Clap hands together like the mouth of an alligator. Four little monkeys swinging on a tree... Three little monkeys swinging on a tree... Two little monkeys swinging on a tree... One little monkey swinging on a tree...
  • Where is Thumbkin?
    Where is Thumbkin?
    Here I am, Hear I am;
    How are you today sir?
    Very well I thank you,
    Run away. Run away.
    Where is Pointer?...
    Where is Tall man?...
    Where is Ring man?...
    Where is Pinkie?...
    Where is the whole family?...
    Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin? Here I am, Hear I am; How are you today sir? Very well I thank you, Run away. Run away. Where is Pointer?... Where is Tall man?... Where is Ring man?... Where is Pinkie?... Where is the whole family?...
  • Cleanliness is next to godliness
    Cleanliness is next to godliness
  • God is greater than the greatest higher than the highest
    God is greater than the greatest higher than the highest
  • To be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey him
    To be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey him
  • Rest and sleep are two things that good for the body, we rest in the day and we sleep at night.
    Rest and sleep are two things that good for the body, we rest in the day and we sleep at night.
  • There's no one greater than jehovah lord divine
    There's no one greater than jehovah lord divine
  • A house is a place where people live.
    A house is a place where people live.
  • A system is a group of a part working together in an organised fashion.
    A system is a group of a part working together in an organised fashion.
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