This message is specifically for people who do not pick their calls despite the several incoming calls they see and especially from close circle. Partner, loved ones, relatives, friends and even unsaved numbers...because you may not know who's trying to save your life.
Just take that call first or return immediately just incase you missed them.
So this woman who supplies us chicken in our hotel came very early this morning and as usual, we gisted and laughed about so many things. But somehow, I decided to ask her about her husband and that was when she shared something with me that really broke me in pieces.
She said around last year, gvnmen succeeded to barge into their home but to her surprised, they weren't after their money. They just asked after her husband who was not at home at the moment and that was then he suspected that they were a$$a$$1n. They actually came to kee her husband.
But before they managed to come inside her room where she and her children were hiding after st@bb!n their gate man. She had tried calling her husband several times but the man was not picking up. Uncountable times with her shivering hands but he was not taking his call. According to her, nah so em no dey like pick call and they always fight over it.
Sadly, the man who was not picking his calls was at the gate horning and immediately, the a$$a$$1n opened the gate and dragged him to the parlour and that was how he was also st@bd to death in her very eyes
Months later after several investigation, it was confirmed that it was her husband's business partner who sent a$$a$$1n to kee her husband. They sealed a business deal together but out of greed, he wants to take all the money alone
The rest is now history.
Please try to take calls. Please. No matter what number it is because you never can tell who's saving your life. And if you have good reasons not to take calls, please be very sure about who's calling.
May God preserve our lives. Amen.
Okpara Chima Victor.
From Celebrity Story Teller
This message is specifically for people who do not pick their calls despite the several incoming calls they see and especially from close circle. Partner, loved ones, relatives, friends and even unsaved numbers...because you may not know who's trying to save your life.
Just take that call first or return immediately just incase you missed them.
So this woman who supplies us chicken in our hotel came very early this morning and as usual, we gisted and laughed about so many things. But somehow, I decided to ask her about her husband and that was when she shared something with me that really broke me in pieces.
She said around last year, gvnmen succeeded to barge into their home but to her surprised, they weren't after their money. They just asked after her husband who was not at home at the moment and that was then he suspected that they were a$$a$$1n. They actually came to kee her husband.
But before they managed to come inside her room where she and her children were hiding after st@bb!n their gate man. She had tried calling her husband several times but the man was not picking up. Uncountable times with her shivering hands but he was not taking his call. According to her, nah so em no dey like pick call and they always fight over it.
Sadly, the man who was not picking his calls was at the gate horning and immediately, the a$$a$$1n opened the gate and dragged him to the parlour and that was how he was also st@bd to death in her very eyes 🤦
Months later after several investigation, it was confirmed that it was her husband's business partner who sent a$$a$$1n to kee her husband. They sealed a business deal together but out of greed, he wants to take all the money alone🤦
The rest is now history.
Please try to take calls. Please. No matter what number it is because you never can tell who's saving your life. And if you have good reasons not to take calls, please be very sure about who's calling.
May God preserve our lives. Amen.
Okpara Chima Victor.
From Celebrity Story Teller
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